10th Matric Class Civics Guess

When writing a Research Proposal, students must reflect two blocks of dissertation preparation:
theoretical and methodological part of the dissertation;
research part of the dissertation.
The theoretical and methodological part describes the relevance of the topic of master’s research, establishes the problem area, object and subject of research, as well as the purpose and objectives of the work related to the hypothesis (hypotheses) of the study. The first part also includes an analysis of the main sources of literature – a review of the fundamental sources in this field, as well as a proposal for working with primary sources, including periodicals, research data, etc. Based on the plan and concept of the dissertation, a brief description of the future work, its structure is given.
In the research part, on the basis of the proposed hypothesis (hypotheses) of the study, the methodology of the future study, the intent, expected results, the system of methods used are prescribed, and the criteria for the validity of the study are established.
The research proposal is approved by the student’s supervisor, agreed with the master’s program supervisor, and defended before the supervisor.
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