Category: Notes

  • Write a Short Note on Fauna

    Short Note on Fauna   Different kinds of animals present in a particular region are known as fauna.     Fauna of Oceans:   It contains animals like mussels, starfish, sea urchins, crabs, prawns, fishes, amphibians, turtles, whale, dolphins etc.     Fauna of Rivers:   It contains fish, frogs, tortise, turtles, snakes, crocodile etc.…

  • Write a Short Note on Flora

    Short Note on Flora   Hilly region have snow fall and low temperature. They have thick forest of cedar, chir, chalghozah, olive, apple, plum ,peach and quuat etc.     Flora of Plains:   Plains are fertile. In areas where rainfall is low, they have desert environment and have trees of kikar, pilos, ber etc.…

  • Explain Exchange of Gases in the Lungs

    Exchange of Gases in the Lungs   At the lungs exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen takes place in alveoli. This process takes place by the process of diffusion. In lungs pressure of carbon dioxide is greater than pressure of carbon dioxide in air. Therefore carbon dioxide diffuses out of the alveoli. The oxygen first…

  • What are the Groups of Placental Mammals

    Groups of Placental Mammals   Placental mammals have 19 orders. Some are as follows:   Insect Eating Mammals:   They eat insect and nocturnal in habit. Their examples are shrew, mole etc.     Edentate mammals:   Their nails are long and strong. With the help of nails they dig burrows to live. They eat…

  • What are the Characteristics of Placental Mammals

    Characteristics of Placental Mammals   i) In these mammals embryo completes its development inside the body of mother in uterus.   ii) After gestation period, young ones are born.   iii) Embryo remains in the uterus and gets its nourishment from mother through umbilical cord.   iv) Gestation period of these mammals is longer than…

  • What are the Characteristics of Pouched Mammals

    Characteristics of Pouched Mammals   i) These mammals have a pouch outside the belly called marsupium.   ii) Fertilization of egg and development of embryo is internal.   iii) After hatching from shell membranous the embryo absorb nutrients secretions from yolk sac.   iv) The gestation period is brief and marsupial give birth to young…

  • What are the Characteristics of Egg Laying Mammals

    Characteristics of Egg Laying Mammals   i) These mammals lay eggs. Mostly two eggs are laid in one year.   ii) Eggs are laid in burrows of animals.   iii) Young ones are hatched from eggs.   iv) Their egg laying characteristics shows their relationship with reptiles.   v) Their common examples are duck bill…

  • Describe the Structure of Human Respiratory System

    Structure of Human Respiratory System   The structure of human respiratory system consists of following organs:   Nose:-   Nasal cavity is lined with mucous secreting epithelium and ciliated epithelium. The function of cilia and mucus is to stop the dust and trapped particles going into the respiratory tract.   Phagynx:   The thin compartment…

  • What are the Characteristics of Class Mammalia

    Characteristics of Class Mammalia   i) Highly advanced animals are included in this group.   ii) Man is also a mammal.   iii) Their body is covered with hairs. But in few some areas are restricted by hairs.   iv) Their skin is provided with sweat glands, scent glands, sebaceous glands and mammary glands.  …

  • What are the Characteristics of Class Aves

    Characteristics of Class Aves   Characteristics:   i) Members of these groups are called birds.   ii) The organisms in this group are very beautiful and have melodious voices.   iii) There are more than 9000 species are present of birds.   iv) They are found in forests, deserts, and on mountains.   v) Some…

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