Category: Notes

  • What are the Characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata

    Characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata   i) These are called Echinodermata because their body is covered with spines and sprnes.   ii) These animals are unique.   iii) All animals of this phylum are exclusively marine.   iv) All animals have internal skeleton.   v) They also have a water vascular system.   vi) They have…

  • What is the definition of Metamorphosis

    Definition of Metamorphosis   Arthropoda pass through various stages of development before they reach their adult stage. This process is called metamorphosis.   This process is of two types:   Complete Metamorphosis:   This process can be seen in the Iifecycles of fly, mosquito, butterfly etc. This process completes in four stages i.e. Egg-Larva-Pupa-Adult. Larva…

  • What are the Characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda

    Characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda   i) Artho mean jointed and poda means foot.   ii) So jointed legs are present in these animals.   iii) They are versatile animals. So they found in air, land and water.   iv) The bodies of these animals is segmented.   v) Their body is covered with hard she”…

  • Write a Short Note on Earthworm

    Short Note on Earthworm   Habitat:   It is found all over the world. It lives in upper layer of soil.     Structure:   It body length is 10-20 cm. Anterior end is pointed and posterior end slightly broad.   Nutrition:   It swallows soil in which decaying leaves are used as food.  …

  • Write a Short Note on Snail

    Short Note on Snail   Habitat:   Most species are marine but some live in damp places.     Size:   They range in size from microscopic to 60 cm.     Structure:   Its body is enclosed in a calcareous wiled shell. This shell has many compartments. Last one is the largest and snail…

  • What are the Characteristics of Phylum Mollusca

    Characteristics of Phylum Mollusca   i) It has about 50,000 species.   ii) They are found in aquatic and moist habitat.   iii) Mollusca is Latin word means soft.   iv) Some animals have internal shell. Some are without shell.   v) Muscular feet are present for movement.   vi) Gills are present for respiration.…

  • What are the Characteristics of Phylum Annelida

    Characteristics of Phylum Annelida   i) They are found in moist soil, ponds, river and sea.   ii) Most animals are free living but some are parasites.   iii) Their bodies have external and internal segmentation called metameric segmentation.   iv) They have well developed digestive, circulatory, reproductive and excretory systems.   v) Their common…

  • Write a Short Note on Ascaris

    Short Note on Ascaris   Habitat:   Ascaris is present in man and cattle.     Size:   They are larger in size than other nematodes.     Nutrition:   They suck the digested food from intestine.     Reproduction:   It lays millions of eggs in intestine. These eggs are excreted out with un-digested…

  • What are the Characteristics of Phylum Nematoda

    Characteristics of Phylum Nematoda   i) They are also called round worms.   ii) They have elongated bodies and both end of the body are pointed.   iii) Digestive system is present as a tubular straight canal.   iv) Mouth is present in anterior and anus is present in posterior.   v) Free-living nematodes are…

  • Write a Short Note on Tapeworm

    Short Note on Tapeworm   It is a parasite. It belongs to phylum Platyhelminthes.     Size:   It size ranges upto 40 feet.     Structure:   i) Its body is long, tape like and segmented.   ii) Head is slightly larger than the body.   iii) Head does not have eyes and body…

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