Category: Notes

  • What is the Definition of Excretion in Biology

    Definition of Excretion   Removal of waste products from body is called excretion.   So what are the middle-level programming languages ​​and what are their features? It should be noted that when using middle-level languages, much attention is paid to abstraction, to statistical typing. The runtime environment is used, which is not the case for…

  • Why Excretion of Body Waste is Important

    Why Excretion of Body Waste is Important   Higher amount of carbon dioxide can lead to lowering of pH which can be dangerous for life. It should be quickly removed otherwise it may also be very harmful.   The concentration of water in the tissue fluid of mammals is maintained within the range 97-99%. In…

  • What is Metabolism and its Types

    Metabolism and its Types   The sum of all chemical reactions taking place in an organism is called metabolism.   There are two types of metabolism.   Catabolism:   Metabolism in which complex organic molecules are broken down into simpler compounds is called catabolism.   Anabolism:   Metabolism in which complex organic molecules are synthesized…

  • Why the Left Ventricle has Stronger Wall in Human Heart

    Why the Left Ventricle has Stronger Wall in Human Heart   Left ventricle contracts more forcefully than the right one, as it has to push the blood to all around the body, while right one has to push to blood just to lungs.   the standardized pieces of code are used further, despite the widespread…

  • What is the Difference Between Plasma and Serum

    Difference Between Plasma and Serum   Plasma minus fibrinogen (blood clotting protein) is called serum.   Like all other languages, high-level speakers have their merits and demerits. Advantages: the presence of abstractions contributes to a more efficient solution of complex problems; languages ​​are designed for intuitive perception, so working with them is quite simple;there are…

  • How Active Transport is Different from Diffusion

    Active Transport is Different from Diffusion   In active transport movement of substances and materials take place against the concentration gradient i.e. from lower to higher concentration. While in Diffusion molecules move from higher to lower concentration.   Disadvantages: the implementation of abstractions takes up a lot of resources, which negatively affects performance; changes are…

  • Write Short Note on Anaemia

    Short Note on Anaemia   i) This is disease and can be defined as the deficiency of red blood cells in the body.   ii) Its symptoms are yellowing of palate, weakness, dizziness, appearance of dark circles around the eyes, thinning of blood, loss of appetite etc.   iii) It is caused due to deficiency…

  • Write Short Note on Haemophilia

    Short Note on Haemophilia   i) It is also called King’s disease.   ii) It is genetic or hereditary disease.   iii) In this disease blood do not clot after wounds or blood flow.   iv) In this case it is difficult to stop flow of blood which may cause death.   Publisher Now a…

  • Write Short Note on Blood Group

    Short Note on Blood Group   i) Although blood of all look alike but it is different chemically.   ii) This difference is present due to different substances present in Erythrocytes (RBC). These chemical substances are called antigens.   iii) On the basis of antigens and antibodies human blood can be classified into A, B,…

  • Write Short Note on Blood Transfusion

    Short Note on Blood Transfusion   i) Koral Landsteiner, a well known immunologist and pathologist started the method of blood transfusion.   ii) He came to know why this process is successful or not.   iii) He found that in some RBC clumped together and in some they are not.   iv) This provided an…

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