Category: Notes

  • What are the Parts of Human Skeleton

    Parts of Human Skeleton   Parts of Human Skeleton:   Human skeleton contain 206 bones. This skeleton divided into two parts:   Axial Skeleton: It consists of 80 bones. In this skeleton parts and number of bones are as under:   Skull 22 Ear 06 Chest bone 01 Ribs 24 Vertebral column 26 Neck Region…

  • Describe Locomotion in Amoeba and Paramecium

    Locomotion in Amoeba and Paramecium   Locomotion in Amoeba:   It moves with the help of pseudopodium. It changes its direction when a new pseudopodium begins from another point. Flow of protoplasm makes the pseudopodia.   Locomotion in Paramecium:   It moves with the help of cilia, which continuously beat against the water. The cilia…

  • Describe the Locomotion of Volvox and Euglena

    Locomotion of Volvox and Euglena   Locomotion in Euglena:   Euglena move with the help of flagellum. Whipping action of flagellum caused it to rotate and at the same time it move forward. It does not move in straight line but it moves in zigzag path.   Locomotion of Volvox:   It floats freely over…

  • What are Auxins and What Do They Do

    Auxins and What Do They Do   Auxins are plants hormones. Geotropism and phototropism are caused by unequal growth of plant parts and controlled by auxins.   Effect on phototropism:   From shoot, auxins pass down to the growing region specially the region of cell elongation to stimulate the growth. So shoots grow upward and…

  • What is the Importance of Tropic Movements in Plants

    Importance of Tropic Movements in Plants   i) Shoots grow vertically and help the plant to compete for light and carbon dioxide.   ii) The flowers are brought into an advantageous position for insect or wind pollination.   iii) Seed dispersal may be more effective on long and vertical stem.   iv) Positive geotropic movement…

  • What are the Different Types of Movements in Plants

    Different Types of Movements in Plants   i) Tactic movement:   In this type of movement plant body moves as a whole from one place to another due to stimulus such as light, water and chemicals etc. For example chlamydomonas always moves towards low intensity of light.   ii) Nastic movement:   These movements are…

  • Define the Terms Stimulus and Response

    Define Stimulus and Response   i) Stimulus is any influence or change in external and internal environment.   ii) Response is a change in the activity or reaction of the organism to the stimulus.   Essential skills of a good preschool teacher Some parents do not send their children to kindergartens, preferring to leave their…

  • What is Locomotion and What are its Uses

    Locomotion and its Uses   Locomotion is the movement of whole organism form one place to another place under the influence of a stimulus.   Uses of locomotion:   Locomotion is used for:   i) Finding food by living organism.   ii) Avoiding capture by the enemies.   iii) Dispersal of seed and fruits.  …

  • What is the Definition of Dialysis

    Definition of Dialysis   It is treatment given to the patient with kidney failure with the help of dialysis machines. These machines acts like a kidney and separate the wastes from blood.   you need to have a stable psyche so as not to lose your temper.Organizational skills. The teacher should be able to interest…

  • What is Kidney Failure and How is it Treated

    Kidney Failure and How is it Treated   If one kidney of a person is damaged or its nephrone fails to work, then a person can live on one kidney also, but if both kidneys fails to work then this disease is called kidney failure. This can be treated by two ways:   i) Dialysis.…

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