Category: Notes

  • What are the Two Types of Reproduction

    Two Types of Reproduction   There are two types of reproduction:   1) Asexual Reproduction:   It is type of reproduction which takes place without involvement of gametes and all the offspring are produced from single parent by mitotic cell division. The different methods of asexual reproduction are binary fission, multiple fission, budding, spore formation,…

  • What is Reproduction and its Importance

    Reproduction and its Importance   Reproduction is a biological process by which living things produce their young ones of their own kind.   Importance:   i) It ensures the survival and continuity of a species.   ii) It helps the organism to adapt itself to the changing environment.     The main advantage of such…

  • Chemical Control in Plants

    Chemical Control in Plants   Plants respond to various stimuli but they respond very slowly. Plants also produce chemical substances, which are called plants hormones. In plants main function of hormones are concerned with growth. The important hormones of plants are as under:-   Auxins:   They are involved in the change of direction of…

  • Short Note on Disorder of Nervous System

    Note on Disorder of Nervous System   Paralysis:   In this disorder some part of the brain is made inactive because of clotting of blood vessel in brain. The blocking of blood supply may be due to some viral toxins as in polio.   Neurosis:   It is functional mental disorder. It is combination of…

  • What is Meant by the Term Carcinogenic

    What is Carcinogenic   Those agents or substances which cause cancer in the body tissues, are called as carcinogenic.   But when buying this device, you must first of all decide what you are buying it for. For in fact, all “readers” are divided into two classes according to the type of screens – this…

  • What Are Some Effects of Drugs on the Nervous System

    Effects of Drugs on the Nervous System   i) Excessive or harmful social case of drug is considered as drug abuse.   ii) Drug abuse effect many people, their families.   iii) Many drugs are harmful to brain and causes loss of memory, weakening of nerves etc.   iv) The excessive use of alcohol can…

  • Intermediate Part 2 Computer Science Notes

    Intermediate Computer Notes   We are going to share with you the notes for different classes as mention above just for the help of our students, so that they can perform best in exams and in the near future, they can become good citizen of our society and take part in the development of our…

  • What Does You Mean by Islets Of Langerhans

    What is Islets Of Langerhans   A small group of cells in the pancrease which acts as endocrine gland is called islets of langerhans.   But when buying this device, you must first of all decide what you are buying it for. For in fact, all “readers” are divided into two classes according to the…

  • What Do You Mean by Exocrine Glands

    What is Exocrine Glands   These are ductless glands and pour their secretions into the blood directly.   But the cons, of course, cannot be avoided. All readers with such a screen are black and white. Color Elink models are under development, and the display quality on them is very inferior to other technologies. Also,…

  • Functions of Endocrine Glands and their Disorders

    Functions of Endocrine Glands and Disorders   1) Pituitary Gland:   i) It is known as master gland.   ii) In addition it has hormones, it control the action of other endocrine glands.   iii) It is closely associated with base of brain in skull.   iv) Its size is little larger than a pea.…

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