1st Year Biology Notes Chapter # 14 (Transport)

1st Year Biology Chapter # 14 (Transport)


1st Year Biology Notes Chapter # 14 (Transport)

I agree that we are indeed losing part of our audience. The so-called people-cases. I guess the reason is the following.

For the older generation, there are separately: work and any self-development. The first is business, this is a real thing, this is necessary for society, the country, and humanity. The second is all sorts of personal nonsense that coaches, unfortunate psychologists, info-businessmen, and other theorists who only chat (teach) do. Moreover, techies are sure that they already have a good intellect and have received a decent education.

The new generation, on the contrary, wants to combine work and the rest of life. And this, it seems to me, will be an important requirement for any person. This request will win. Whether we, the older generation, want it or not. And this is due at least to the fact that young people live longer.

The solution seems to me to be to teach people such a universal life skill that will allow them to approach the creation of any systems in the same way. This is our main hypothesis, which is incorporated in the creation of SHSM. And this is something that no one has done (although there is another question: can it be done?).

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