Story having Moral Haste Makes Waste

Story on Moral Haste Makes Waste


A hunter had a beautiful hound whow always wen hunting with him. The faithful dog was a thick friend of the hunder’s only son who loved to play with the dog. The master also loved the hound for its friendship with his young son who was only ten years old. The master of the house had no one else in the house.

One day, the hunter went out hunting but forgot to take that hound with him. His son was still asleep in his bed. As hi reached the edge of the forest he found that he had forgotten to bring the hound with him.

He decided to go back and bring the hound. He came home but was afraid to see his hound all bloodstained standing at the gate. The hunter thought that the hound had killed his son. He whipped out his sword and killed the dog.

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He quickly walked into the house and saw blood pools here and there. Just then he saw his son coming out of his room. The boy told his father how a wolf had come into the house and was about to kill him when the hound pounced upon it and tore it into pieces. The hunter began to cry at his haste in killing the faithful creature.



Haste Makes Waste



The choice of media in light of environmental factors such as the nature of the task and the social context has been the subject of much research. Many theories contribute to our understanding of how people make these choices. Rational choice theory predicts that people choose a means of communication by comparing its characteristics with the requirements of the communicative task.

It would be wise to send 25 pages of part numbers via e-mail rather than transfer this information over the phone. In some situations, the nature of the task explains almost all the differences in the choice of communication medium.

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Information wealth theory predicts that richer media is needed when there is more ambiguity or uncertainty in the information being communicated. For example, complex issues should be discussed in person rather than in a letter. The cognitive view of media choice is based on a developed probabilistic model of attitude formation and change, which states that in order to process a message, the recipient must be both motivated and able to do so.

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