New Year Resolution Poem by Elizabeth Sewell Reference to Context

Sewell Reference to Context of New Year Resolution Poem




These lines have been taken from the poem “New Year Resolutions”, written by Elizabeth Sewell.




This poem is about the New Year resolutions and promises. Another year has lapsed. On the start of the new year, the poetess takes stock of herself very realistically. She tries to make this world a better place by making new pledges. Her un-traditional resolution is to face and lie with reality.


Note: Opportunities for teachers should must have in an institute:

The main goal of introducing physical culture into the system of NOT in society is to promote an increase in labor productivity on the basis of health promotion and all-round harmonious physical development of a specialist. This goal is concretized in the following specific tasks, solved by means of physical culture in the process of labor activity. 1. At the stage of training professions (in colleges of vocational education, colleges, universities), ensure the required level of professionally applied physical readiness for the chosen labor activity (i.e., increase the level of physical qualities specific for the chosen profession and form the necessary professional motor skills and abilities) …

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