9th Computer Science Guess 2022

9th Computer Science Guess 2022

[thrive_headline_focus title=”Short Question” orientation=”center”]

  • Define analog computer.
  • Convert 1 MB into GB.
  • Define application software.
  • Define electronic data processing.
  • Define desktop computer.
  • Define Floppy Disk.
  • Define information.
  • Define Hardware. Write names of three different hardware units.
  • Define low-level language.
  • Define mouse event. Write names of different mouse events.
  • Define microcomputer.
  • Define Output unit.
  • Define Secondary Memory.
  • Define pocket computer.
  • Define secondary memory.
  • Define the computer code.
  • Define System Unit.
  • Define Unicode.
  • Describe a programming language.
  • Describe a Computer Language.
  • Describe Mother Board.
  • Describe the use of data bus.
  • Describe motherboard.
  • Differentiate between Binary and Decimal Number System.
  • Differentiate between High Level and Low Level Languages.
  • Differentiate between bit and byte.
  • For what purpose supercomputer is usually used?
  • How are computers used in retailing applications?
  • Give examples of important secondary memory.
  • How did microprocessor affect computer?
  • How does a laser Printer Works?
  • How does a dot matrix printer work?
  • How does the abacus work?
  • How were punched cards used?
  • How integrated circuits are better than transistor?
  • LCD and CRT stands for what?
  • State the purpose of Seek Time.
  • Name different types of system software
  • State the purpose of Trackball.
  • What are mouse events? Name different types of mouse events?
  • What are mnemonics?
  • What are Numeric Keys?
  • What do UNIVAC and ENIAC stand for?
  • What are the advantages of using trackball instead of mouse?
  • What do you know about ENIAC?
  • What do you mean by computer hardware?
  • What do you know about Joystick?
  • What do you mean by Logic Unit?
  • What do you mean by UNIVAC?
  • What do you mean by system software?
  • What id Difference Engine?
  • What is CRT Monitor?
  • What is basic difference between keyboard and type writer?
  • What is decimal number system?
  • What is function of Alt key?
  • What is difference Engine?
  • What is idea of modern stored program?
  • What is number system? Write the names of two number systems.
  • What is meant by computer storage?
  • What is PROM?
  • What is system unit?
  • What is PROM? For what purpose it is used?
  • What is the difference between Data and Information?
  • What is the difference between primary and secondary memory?
  • What is the difference between Numeric and Alphanumeric Keys?
  • What is the importance of Computer in Banking?
  • What is the purpose of โ€œCaps Lock Keyโ€?
  • What is the importance of computer in the field of banking?
  • What is the role of computer is distance learning?
  • What is the use of input unit?
  • What is the use of Data Bus?
  • What is the use of Microphone?
  • What is the use of OCR software?
  • What is the use of monitor?
  • What is the use of output unit?
  • Which is the most powerful computer?
  • What is Video Controller?
  • Which technology was used in second generation of computers?
  • Why CPU is important in a computer System?
  • Who was John Napier?
  • Why hardware is useless without software.
  • Why RAM is a volatile memory?
  • Why Laptop is popular?
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