Matric Chemistry Guess Paper 2022

Matric Chemistry Guess 2022


  • Give importance of equilibrium constant.
  • What is a Static equilibrium? Explain with an example.
  • How can you know that a reaction has achieved an equilibrium state?
  • Write equilibrium constant expression for the reaction. H2 + 12 Fa 2HI
  • Write equation of forward reaction between hydrogen and iodine.
  • Define hydrogenation. Give an example.
  • How bleaching powder reacts with hydrogen peroxide?
  • Describe the physical properties of sodium hydrogen carbonate.
  • Write uses of hydrogen acid.
  • Write down the uses of hydrogen peroxide.
  • How hydrogen bonding enables water to dissolve different substances?
  • Give process of hydrogenation of alkenes with chemical equation.
  • What is hydrogenation reaction? Give chemical equation.
  • Write down any two uses of pH.
  • How can we measure pH of a solution?
  • Define pH. What is the pH of pure water?
  • Why pure water is not a strong electrolyte?
  • Find the pH of .001 M solution of KOH.
  • Which salts are responsible for hardness of water?
  • Why salt is neutral? Explain with an example.
  • What are acidic salts? Write one chemical equation of their reaction with bases.
  • Write condensed formula of any two hydro carbons.
  • Write names of any two methods of preparation of salts.
  • Give the reactions of chlorine with hydro carbons.
  • What are closed chain hydrocarbons? Give two examples.
  • What are saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon, give example?
  • Why are hydrocarbons considered as parent organic compounds?
  • How hydro carbons act as fuel?
  • Give difference between saturated and unsaturated hydro carbon.
  • Write the names and general formulas of unsaturated hydro carbons.
  • Give two uses of Methane.
  • What are cyclic and acyclic compounds?
  • What happens when methane is treated with chlorine in the presence of bright sunlight?
  • How are alkyl halides reduced?
  • What is Dehydrohalogenation of Alkyl Halides?
  • Write sources of vitamins A and D.
  • Write names of water soluble vitamins.
  • Justify water soluble vitamins are not injurious to health.
  • What are Fat Soluble Vitamins? Write their examples.
  • Write down diseases born by the deficiency of vitamin A.
  • Write uses of Vitamin-D.
  • Write the names and formulae of two fatty acids.
  • What are fatty acids? Give one example.
  • What is Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)?
  • What do DNA and RNA stand for?
  • What is RNA? Write its function.
  • Differentiate between atmosphere and environment.
  • What is the function of DNA?
  • Give the name of different layers of atmosphere around the earth.
  • How CO2 is responsible for heating up atmosphere?
  • How is the temperature of atmosphere maintained?
  • What threats are to human health due to SO2 gas as air pollutant?
  • What is air pollutant? Give example of primary and secondary air pollutants.
  • How incineration of waste material causes air pollution?
  • How can we remove the hardness from water.
  • What are two effects of water pollution?
  • Write types of hardness of water.
  • Describe the difference between temporary and permanent hardness of water.
  • How is hardness of water removed by Clarkโ€™s method?
  • What are Fertilizers?
  • Write two disadvantages of hard water.
  • What is function of fertilizer?
  • What is an industrial waste?
  • How nitrogen is separated from oxygen during industrial preparation of nitrogen?
  • Name two acids used in the manufacture of fertilizers.
  • How are oxides fron, nitrogen formed in internal combustion engine? Write chemical equation.
  • Give equations for the reaction of chlorine with metals.
  • What process are involved in extraction of metal?
  • How extraction of metal takes place from the concentrated ore?
  • What is meant by electromagnetic separation?
  • Write electromagnetic separation process.
  • How ammonia (NH3)is prepared by Haberโ€™s process?
  • Give the reaction of formation of Ammonia in the process in the form of equation.
  • How Ammonia is recovered in the Solvayโ€™s process?
  • Why Urea is an important compound?
  • How ammonia is prepared for the synthesis of urea?
  • Write raw materials for manufacturing urea.
  • What is the ralationship between active mass and rate of reaction?
  • Define Law of Mass Action.
  • Describe the difference between Forward Reaction and Reverse Reaction.
  • Define reversible reaction.
  • Define reversible and irreversible reactions.
  • Write down the names of two natural acids and their sources.
  • How conjugate acids and conjugate bases are formed?
  • Write physical properties of acids.
  • What is natural gas?
  • What is the importance of natural gas?
  • Which gas is dissolved in soda water drinks?
  • Write down the uses of Sodium Chlorate.
  • How detergents pollute water?
  • At which electrode chlorine is obtained in electrolysis of sodium chloride? Write equation.
  • Write any four uses of bases.
  • How sodium hydroxide is prepared commercially?
  • Describe limitations of Arrhenius concept of acids and bases.
  • All alkalies are bases but all bases are not alkalies. Explain why?
  • Define functional group and give one example.
  • What is Closed Chain? Write the name of its types.
  • What is meant by carboxyl functional group? Explain with an example.
  • Give two uses of Ethyne.
  • How we can prepare Ethyne by dehydrohalogenation of vicinal Dihalides?
  • What is difference between Oil and Ghee?
  • How oxygen is converted into ozone present in stratosphere? Give chemical reaction only.
  • Where Ozone is found?
  • How ozone layer is formed in the stratosphere?
  • Ozone is beneficial for human life Justify.
  • Write down the sources of oxides of carbon.
  • Give two serious effects of Ozone depletion.
  • What do you mean by water as solvent?
  • Write two unique properties of water that makes it a universal solvent.
  • Why is water considered a universal solvent?
  • What are Boiler Scales? How these are abolished?
  • Why pesticides are used?
  • What do you mean by boiler scale? How are they removed?
  • What is gangue?
  • Write the uses of Fuel Oil.
  • Define gangue and metallurgy.
  • Describe any two characteristics of acids.
  • Write physical properties of acid.
  • How is acid rain produced?
  • Why Fr ion acts as a Lewis acid?
  • Write the general formula of amino acid?
  • Why acid rain damages buildings?
  • What is difference between Lewis acid and Base?
  • Give difference between essential and non-essential amino acids.
  • How acid rain increases the acidity of soil?
  • What are limitations of Arrhenius concept?
  • Why BF3 behaves as Lewis acid?
  • What is meant by catenation?
  • What are alkynes? Give its general formula.
  • What is isomerism? Give an example.
  • Why Orchids produce alkanes?
  • How carbohydrates act as source of energy?
  • Define carbohydrates, write their general formula.
  • Describe the uses of carbohydrates.
  • Name any two sources of lipids and write their uses.
  • Write down two uses of lipids.
  • Write two uses of proteins.
  • What is the difference between biodegradable and non biodegradable substances?
  • How are proteins formed?
  • How can be protected by water borne diseases?
  • What are the reasons of water borne diseases?
  • What are water borne diseases of water?
  • How roasting is carried out?
  • Write the two chemical properties of water.
  • How NaHCO3 is converted to Na2CO3?
  • Which two generalizations can be made about direction of chemical reaction?
  • What is reduction reaction? Give chemical equation.
  • Write the chemical formulas of palmitic acid and stearic acid.
  • What are organic compounds?
  • What are inorganic compounds?
  • How organic compounds can be used as food?
  • Describe the combustion process with equation.
  • What is the difference between glucose and fructose?
  • Write the structure formulae of glucose and fructose.
  • How is CO considered a health hazard?
  • How do detergents affect the aquatic life?
  • Write down the disadvantages of detergents.
  • How atmospheric carbon dioxide and water react with bleaching powder?
  • Describe the physical properties of bleaching powder.
  • Write equations in which chlorine is sued as bleaching agent.
  • Write down the reactions of water and oxygen with ethane.
  • Describe Bromine Water Test.
  • Why colour of bromine water discharges on addition of ethane in it?
  • Write down two properties of water.
  • How chlorine reacts with water? Write equations.
  • Give any four physical properties of water.
  • What are the advantages of sterilized water?
  • How water rises in plants? OR How does lime stone dissolve in water?
  • Which raw materials are required in Solvayโ€™s process?
  • Prove that water is an amphoteric specie.
  • Write two advantages of Solvayโ€™s process.
  • Describe froth flotation process.
  • What is the principle of Solvayโ€™s process?
  • What is the role of pine oil in the froth flotation process?
  • Write down two uses of ethene.
  • What are the major constituents of troposphere?
  • What do you mean by genetic code of life?
  • What are addition reactions? Give example.
  • How petroleum is formed?
  • Define petroleum.
  • Write the composition and uses of diesel oil.
  • What is meant by triglycerides? Write its general formula.
  • Which compounds are called Ketones?
  • Write the major sources of CO and CO2 emission.
  • What is principle of fractional distillation?
  • What is difference between hepatitis and jaundice?
  • Define minerals.
  • What do you mean by calcination?
  • What is difference between Minerals and Ores?
  • What is ether linkage?
  • Write down the uses of silicon dioxide.
  • What is a silicon chip?
  • How can hydrated silicon dioxide be obtained?
  • Explain the strength of covalent bonds of carbon.
  • Why does โ€œsiliconโ€ occur in the form of silica and silicate?
  • Define polysaccharides and give one example.
  • What is meant by gravity separation?
  • Give the characteristics of polysaccharides.
  • Enlist the names of fractions of residual oil.
  • What are amorphous forms of carbon?
  • What is the difference between crude oil and residual oil?
  • Write the names of allotropic forms of carbon.
  • What is carbon black?
  • How can you test carbon dioxide?
  • Carbon belongs to which group and what is its valence?
  • What is arrangement of electrons in a sulphur atom?
  • What do you know about the structure of bucky balls?
  • What is the relationship between rhombic and monoclinic sulphur?
  • Describe the properties of rhombic sulphur.
  • Write down the uses of reaction of sulphur with copper.
  • What are indicatars? name any two indicators.
  • What are nucleic acids? Write names of two nucleic acids.
  • Define structural formula with an example.
  • State process of incineration.
  • Write uses of sulphuric acid.
  • Write uses of atmospheric gases in the manufacture of chemicals.
  • Why sulphuric acid is dibasic? Write down chemical reactions also.
  • What are heterocyck compounds? Give example.
  • Why sulphuric acid behaves as a dehydrating agent?
  • What is fluorosis?
  • What is the basic building unit of silica?
  • Give the balanced equation for the hydrolysis of sucrose.
  • What is olvine? Write its chemical formula.
  • Give names of different type of oxide.
  • Give two chemical properties of nitric acid.
  • What is hydration.
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Modern problems of education and possible solutions
Positive results in the educational services market can be achieved by orienting oneself in a rapidly changing economic situation, planning and implementing actions aimed at solving modern problems of the education system, taking into account the projected financial, tax, managerial and other consequences. image
Yuri Kutsenko
In order to provide methodological assistance under the heading “Financial Academy” during the next academic year, we will try to answer such pressing questions as:

– modern problems and their solution in the education system of Russia;

– raising the level of socio-economic development of the country and its regions – the basis for improving the education system;

– budget financing and innovative policy of the state in the field of education;

– multi-source funding for educational development;

– targeted, rational use and safety of funds in educational institutions;

– educational institutions and financial and industrial business;

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– financial planning and budget forecasting of education costs;

– on increasing the investment attractiveness of the education sector;

– On improving the management of the education system;

– education, its financing and national security;

– principles of the budget system;

– on expanding the independence of educational institutions in attracting and using financial resources.

In a message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on May 10, 2006, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized that the messages of recent years had formulated the main priorities of socio-economic policy for the next decade. Today, the main efforts are directed precisely at those areas that directly determine the quality of life of citizens, including in the field of education.


Toddlers are taught rules and techniques, relegating to the background their thirst for self-expression. Not all children are suitable for the proposed developed schemes, and a certain percentage of students leave the walls of the art school for this very reason. If your child believes that drawing is primarily a creative approach and a personal look at beauty, most likely he will feel cramped in a specialized educational institution.
On the other hand, supporters of art education say that the school introduces the child to many techniques. Sometimes the lack of mechanical skills interferes with the implementation of a creative idea, and the school curriculum just solves this problem. It provides the base, having become acquainted with which the child can develop his own unique style in the future. In addition, in an art school, children are taught to work and make the right choice among drawing supplies: pencils, felt-tip pens, gouache, acrylic, watercolors, etc. Accordingly, if a child dreams of building up a theoretical base and getting to know the academic style, an art school can be the right one for him by choice.

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Almost every child loves to draw, sculpt and decorate the house. Parents are faced with a difficult task: to leave the passion for a cute hobby or to develop the child’s abilities at a professional level.



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