Tareekh Mashaikh Chisht By Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalwi


Tareekh Mashaikh Chisht PDF

The title of the book is “Tareekh Mashaikh Chisht” Written by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalwi . Complete biographies and history of 40 auliya of Chishtia in Urdu language. Download in pdf format to read offline.
Engllish version of this book is here .


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For every piece I read to the end, I put aside three or four books I have started. Before I buy any book, I put it to the โ€œfirst five pages testโ€ (checking the tone, speed, and language of the story). And then I let myself get off the hook if I feel like I need to throw in the middle.

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