Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed By Inayatullah Altamash


Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed PDF

Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed Allah Ki Talwar in Urdu pdf written by Inayatullah Altamash. Shamsheer e Benayam Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed r.a a historical and spiritual biography and life story of the famous Sahabi and one of the most popular Muslim Commander, the sward of Allah Khalid bine Waleed r.a.


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The main reason for introducing a ban on visiting parents is concern for the safety of students. Bringing prohibited substances or weapons to school, terrorist attacks are the realities of today’s reality. This year, the rules are tightened due to the spread of the virus. The risk of infection is a good reason for limiting parental visits. This is one of the points of general recommendations developed by specialists for training in educational institutions in a pandemic. However, if necessary, parents will still be able to access the school grounds.

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