Aap Beeti A Biography of Mahatma Gandhi

Aap Beeti A Biography of Mahatma Gandhi

Biography of Mahatma Gandhi

Title of the book is “Aap Beeti” Written by Mahatma Gandhi. A biography and self story of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is usually known as Mahatma Gandhi. Read in Urdu language. Download in pdf format to read offline. The task of books is to lead us to useful thoughts! Therefore, every time you find an important idea for you, an interesting phrase in the text, you stumble upon a useful thought – stop reading and say to yourself in 2-10 words the very zest that you extracted from the text. The information you understand is in RAM and will quickly go out of there. The next block of text, like a wave, will wash away almost all past thoughts from your memory and replace them with new ones. And the thoughts that you voiced will move from the text into your long-term memory and become a part of you! I call this action “harvesting” while reading.

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