Ab Inkar Ka Mausam Nahi Urdu Novel PDF by Nabeela Abar Raja


Ab Inkar Ka Mausam Nahi Novel

This is one of the best piece of Ab Inkar Ka Mausam Nahi From the collection of or Written by Nabeela Abar Raja It have 15 (Fifteen) Pages.

A little about the training system
The Mannheim educational system originated thanks to its author J. Sickinger in Germany at the end of the 19th century. It got its name from the city of Mannheim , in which it was first tested.

The system presupposed the division of students in education not only by age and level of education, but also by their abilities. So, it turned out 4 types of classes:

For students with average ability.
For gifted children who are ready to work on a program of increased complexity. They were also called foreign language classes, and they had the opportunity to study further after leaving school.
For students with a low level of ability.
For children with mental retardation.
Otherwise, the education system did not differ from the classroom-lesson: the constant composition of the class, lessons of 45 minutes, the dominant role of the teacher. Today the Mannheim system is not widespread; it has lost its popularity due to insufficient solvency.

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