Best Books for Preparation of PPSC Exam

Best Books for PPSC Exam

This is one of the best piece of Books which proves best for the preparation of PPSC Compiled by PK Planet for students. This is written in a very easy languages with respect to our students, so that anyone can get benefits from this e-book. We will try to provide you the best piece of Learning Books all the times for PPSC. We will be happy if you share your thoughts or any kind of problem you face during reading and downloading the eBooks in our comments section. Feel Free to contact us.




Linguistics divides languages into living and dead. Living languages include all existing and actively used languages, while dead languages are those that have long gone out of use and have lost all their speakers. When all the peoples who knew any language died out, and there was no one left in the world who knew it and could speak it freely. Sometimes dead languages continue to be used, but in a very narrow, often professional, circle. Like, for example, the Latin language, which is still in use in science, medicine and religious texts. However, outside of these areas, it is not used by anyone and is not known to anyone. It also happens that a dead language becomes alive again, as happened with Hebrew, Cornish and Manx.

Linguistics or linguistics as the science of learning a language and transferring knowledge about it to others, is divided into 4 types:

1. Theoretical – scientific linguistics, which deals with the construction, substantiation and proof of various theories about language. Studying language laws, rules of languages (both written and oral). It is divided into general, studying the common features of all languages of the world and private linguistics, which studies only one separate language and a couple of related ones;

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