Category: Notes

  • Prove that Chlorophyll is Essential for Photosynthesis

    Chlorophyll is Essential for Photosynthesis   i) De-starch a leaf of potted plant by wrapping it in aluminum foil.   ii) Remove the leaf from plant.   iii) Its outline is carefully drawn to note the position of chlorophyll.   iv) Now apply iodine to leaf to test the presence of starch.   v) We…

  • How can you Prove that Light is Necessary for Photosynthesis

    Light is Necessary for Photosynthesis   i) De-starch a potted plant by keeping it in dark for two days.   ii) Then transfer it to light and select two leaves of this plant for experiment   iii) Now wrap one by black paper.   iv) Wrap other by black paper but a L shaped part…

  • Write Short Note on Aerobic Respiration

    Short Note on Aerobic Respiration   In higher organisms energy is produced using molecular oxygen. This is known as aerobic respiration. In this method large quantity of energy is produced.   There are two stages of aerobic respiration:   External Respiration:   In this stage organism take the air (oxygen) into their bodies. And this…

  • Prove that Oxygen is Released during Photosynthesis

    Oxygen is Released during Photosynthesis   Experiment:   i) Place a funnel over the shoot of hydra (water plant) in a beaker of water.   ii) Invert a test tube filled with water over funnel.   iii) Place funnel such that water can freely circulate.   iv) Now keep the apparatus in sunlight for some…

  • What is the Difference between Light and Dark Reaction in Photosynthesis

    Difference between Light & Dark Reaction   In photosynthesis two types of reaction takes place   i) Light Reaction   ii) Dark Reaction     Light Reaction:   Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight, which break down the water molecule to release hydrogen and oxygen. The break down of water through light is called Photolysis. Energy of absorbed…

  • What are the Respiratory Diseases Caused by Smoking

    Respiratory Diseases Caused by Smoking   Bronchitis:   The smoking is produce inflammation of respiratory tract. This disease is called bronchitis. The attack of this disease is sudden and short lived. In this disease air passage gets narrow and produce difficulty in breathing.   Lungs Cancer:   This is very dangerous disease. It is caused…

  • Describe the Effects of Exercise on Breathing

    Effects of Exercise on Breathing   A man breath 16 times per minute in normal circumstances. The rate of breathing is controlled by center of brain. In case of higher concentration of carbon dioxide brain send impulses to diaphragm which leads to faster breathing.   When we do hard work or exercise, we need more…

  • Describe the Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Blood

    Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide   Transport of oxygen:   Oxygen is transported in two ways:   i) Through plasma only small amount of oxygen is dissolved in hemoglobin.   ii) Through hemoglobin 20 ml oxygen is transported in 100 ml hemoglobin.     Transport of carbon dioxide:   Carbon dioxide is transported by…

  • What is the Relation between Respiration and Photosynthesis

    Relation between Respiration and Photosynthesis   In daytime the plants takes in carbon dioxide and expel out oxygen. The process of photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts whereas the process of respiration takes place in cytoplasm and mitochondria.     Accounting also provides ways to present this information that make it possible to evaluate a company’s past…

  • What is ATP and its main Function

    What is ATP and its Function   ATP means Adenosine tri-phosphate. Its uses are as under:   i) It is used in synthesis of various compounds like carbohydrates, fats and proteins etc.   ii) It is used in carrying out any physical work like muscle contraction.   Composition:   It is made up of three-phosphate…

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