Category: Notes

  • What is Magnet in Physics Definition

    What is Magnet in Physics   Metals like iron, nickel and steel attract each other magnetically. They are called magnets and always point in a particular direction when suspended freely in the air.   Study of the material Study thoroughly the material of your future book. Even if you are not familiar with the material,…

  • Difference between Resistance and Conductance in Physics

    Difference between Resistance & Conductance   Resistance:   Resistance is the measure of opposition by the conductor to the flaw of charge.   It is the reciprocal of the conductance and is measured in volt per ampere or ohm,   Conductance:   Conductance of a wire is the ease with which current flows in it.…

  • Difference between AC and DC Current in Physics

    Difference between AC and DC Current   Alternating Current:   AC is obtained by a resistor that is connected in series with a source of alternating current.   Its direction continuously changes.   It is obtained by a generator.   Its transportation from one point to another point is very easy.   It has a…

  • What is ohm’s law definition in Physics

    Ohm’s law definition   The current passing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across the end points of the conductor.   Mathematical Form:   According to this law: V < I (< represents the sign of proportionality. Do not write this in your examination}   => V = IR   Where…

  • What is Electric Current in Physics

    What is Electric Current   The rate of flow of charge is called electric current   Mathematical Farm:   According To The definition:   Electric Current = Charge / Time   I = q/t     Unit:   The unit of current is Ampere (A) = coulomb/sec   The only drawback of this type of…

  • Financial Accounting B.Com 1st Year Notes

    Financial Accounting B.Com 1st Year Notes We are going to share with you the notes for different classes as mention above just for the help of our students, so that they can perform best in exams and in the near future, they can become good citizen of our society and take part in the development…

  • What is Electromotive Force in Physics

    What is Electromotive Force   A measure of the energy supplied by a source of electric current. It is equal to the energy supplied by the source to each unit of charge   e.m.f = Energy Supplied / Charge   Unit:   The unit of e.m.f is volt.   Well, if you go into details,…

  • What is Farad in Physics

    What is Farad   If 1 coulomb charge produces a potential difference of 1 volt then capacitance is equal to 1 Farad.   Particular attention should be paid to the formats supported by the e-book. Here, again, it is better to rely on yourself and proceed from what you plan to use the book for.…

  • Difference between Capacitor and Capacitance

    Difference between Capacitor & Capacitance   It is the ability of capacitor to store the charge. Charge stored per unit voltage is called capacitance.   Unit:   The unit of capacitance is Farad = coulomb/volt.   But time flies by and progress does not stand still. For lovers of reading, there is an alternative to…

  • What is a Capacitor and how does it work

    Capacitor and its work   t is a device for string electric charge. It is a system of two (or more) plates on P; which we can store electric charge.   Parallel Plate Capacitor:   It is a simple capacitor with two parallel plates on which we store the electric charge.     Construction:  …

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