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Write for us – Guest Post

Submit a Guest Post Technology, Business, Digital Marketing, SEO, Lifestyle

Kitab Nagri is going to provide guest blogging opportunities for authors who want to share compelling guest posts on various categories or topics. Do you have skills on a topic that you’d love to share with our readers?

This is an excellent way to share your experience and counselling with others so that they can start, expand the business and their financial situations. Write for us to extend your outreach, Promote your Business and much more.


Contributors should submit the guest blog posts after reading the guest post guidelines properly. If you don’t stick to our essential caveats, then don’t raise your guest post.


Submitted articles should raise consciousness and inspire or inform the reader. They should recommend the reader to take action and support business success.


Prepare your guest post as per our guideline, and send us high-quality contributions. It will help you to reach more viewers on the world wide web.


Guidelines for Guest Post


Thanks for showing interest in writing for


What articles can I write?


You can write an article that relates to our categories






Fashion & Beauty



Health & Fitness

Home Décor






Real Estate




Note: We will not accept links to Essay Writing, drug-related, gambling, payday loans or adult websites etc.




Guest Posting Guidelines:

Only original, unique, relevant, well-written content will be considered. If you have published this article elsewhere, don’t bother submitting it here – we check Copyscape and Google before we publishing it!

We only accept quality guest blog posts in the English language.

Posts / Article should be at least 800 words but not more than 2000 words.

Longtail keywords are preferred.

Promotional content is not allowed.

Every submitted post must have an featured image (maximum 1000×1000 pixel) along with it.

The article should must have proper formatting, headings, sub-headings, images, graphs, tables, etc. to provide additional value.

The article should comply with the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Mostly we assign content ideas from our end.

All images should be original, licensed or public domain. (No copyright infringement please)

The articles should be easily readable and divided into sections with subheadings.

Contributors can’t republish the same article anywhere else.

We like lists and tutorials and advice for small business.

Finally, all links in the post should be to relevant and quality websites.

Unnatural outbound links will be removed without prior notice. We are bound to comply with the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

You can contact us for sponsored posts.

One Dofollow link allowed in free posting and content should be helpful to readers.

You have to share publish link of your post on social media channels.

Contact to us for sponsored posts – [email protected]

We are selective about what posts we publish. Your writing should be well written, interesting, unique and informative.


Contact us @ [email protected]

Use below keywords to find guest blogging opportunities.

“startup funding”

“submit a guest post”

“write for us”

“guest article”

“this is a guest post by”

“contributing writer”

“want to write for”

“submit blog post”

“contribute to our site”

“submit content”

“submit your content”

“guest post”

“guest posts wanted”

“guest blogger”

“become a guest blogger”

“submit news”

“submit post”


For Categories, you can add category name along with this query

“write for us” Technology blog

“write for us” Health

“write for us” Digital Marketing

“write for us” Business

“write for us” Lifestyle

Tech blog write for us

write for us fashion and beauty

“Write for us” Business

“Write for us” SEO

“Write for us” Lifestyle

“Write for us” Digital Marketing

“Write for us” Web Development

“Write for us” Reviews

“submit guest post” + “technology”

Technology write for us” + guest post

Technology blog write for us

Digital marketing write for us
