Difference between Mass and Weight in Physics

Difference between Mass and Weight




  1. The quantity of matter present in a body is called mass.
  2. The mass of a body remains constant everywhere and does not change by change in altitude.
  3. Mass of a body possesses no direction. So it is a scalar quantity.
  4. Mass can be determined by a physical balance.






  1. The force with which the earth attracts a body towards its centre is called the weight of the body.
  2. The weight of a body is not constant. It is changed by altitude.
  3. Weight of a body has a direction towards the centre of the earth. So it is a vector quantity.
  4. Weight can be determined by only a spring balance.


Suppose it takes you one minute to read one page, and the average book is 300 pages long. If you read for five minutes a day, it turns out that in a year you will spend 1825 minutes (30.4 hours) reading. Divide that number by 300 to get 6.1. But the average person needs a little more than a minute to read one page on average, and some books may be thicker, so let’s round that number to five.

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