Hoshruba Novel by Muskan PDF Download

Hoshruba Novel by Muskan PDF Download

Hoshruba Novel by Muskan PDF Download

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Hoshruba Novel by Muskan PDF Download

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Why reading is useful
Ensure full brain function for many years
Brain experts believe that reading is one of the easiest ways to avoid dementia in old age. According to Dale Bredesen, author of The Ageless Brain , senile dementia is caused by a gradual slowdown in the work of certain parts of the brain, but if you regularly read throughout your life, your consciousness and mind are in constant development and work several times better than in humans. who is not in the habit of reading. This phenomenon is explained very simply: what does not work dies, and our brain is no exception.

The brain develops, however, not every time you pick up a book. It turns out that in order for both hemispheres to be connected to work, one should plunge into a kind of “reading trance”. Surely this state is familiar to you if you have read a work that completely absorbed your attention at least once. It is at this moment that your brain is in the stage of activity and development.

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Become happier
Recently, sociologists from Liverpool presented the world with the results of an unusual study: it turns out that a reading person not only copes with external stimuli and stress more successfully, but also finds inner harmony more easily .

Also became known that people who read are almost not at risk of developing clinical depression, are not prone to pessimistic thoughts, and are generally much happier than those who have not read a dozen books in their entire lives. Is this not a reason to start getting acquainted with world literature right now? How often do you hear that classic novels are almost 100% quality assurance, and new books are like a minefield where you never know what you will stumble upon? There is another widespread statement: everything was written before us, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky cannot be surpassed by anyone, which means that new novels should not be read. No matter how it is! Very much worth it. Here are five proofs of our words.

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