Money Banking and Finance Notes B.com Part 1 PDF

Money Banking and Finance Notes PDF

This is one of the best piece of Money Banking and Finance Notes. It have 059 (Fifty Nine Only) Pages. This is written in a very well manner especially with respect to a normal person, so that we can understand easily. Reading Novels is the best activity during leisure just due to its advantages just like best command in your language etc. We will try to provide you the best piece of Novels all the times. The right hemisphere controls our imagination, visual and spatial perception. It is responsible for the perception of art, music and our physical movements. We will be happy if you share your thoughts or any kind of problem you face during reading and downloading the Novels in our comments section. Feel Free to contact us.



Banking and Finance Notes

IMP Questions

Let’s imagine the role of “driver”. “Driver” is a functional object. By the way, the name of this role was specially invented and entrenched in culture. It is important for people to discuss functional objects (roles). The behavior or function of the driver is the control of the vehicle. Driving a car is a role (functional) behavior. Do not confuse role and role behavior. A physical object can be a specially trained person or artificial intelligence. Each of the three considerations is necessary and cannot be neglected.

Similarly, we can say that there is a physical object – the brain. The functional object (role) will be intellect. Brain behavior is thinking. Synonyms can be given: intellect = mental skill = mind, thinking = calculation = reasoning = knowledge. Having imposed such formal rigor, one can further study how to create a system of “an agent who changes the world for the better.”

I’ll tell you separately how a function differs from a service, and then it will be clear why the concept of “thinking” has so many synonyms. I will also tell you about the importance of the names of systems and roles (as functional objects).

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