Story Based on Moral All that Glitters is not Gold

Story on Moral All that Glitters is not Gold


One hot summer day a stag went to a pool to drink water. The pool water was clear. It could see its reflection in the water. It felt proud of its beautiful horns. But when it saw the shadow of its thin legs it felt sad and hated them.

While it was still thinking of its ugly legs it heard the sound of the horse’s hoofs of a huntsman and the barking of hounds. It ran for its life as fast as its legs could carry it. In no time it left the hounds far behind.

Now it happened to pass through a a thick forest. As it rushed through, its horns got caught in the branches of trees and bushes. It struggled hard to free itself but all in vain. Meanwhile the hunter and his hounds can chasing it.

The hounds fell upon it and killed it. The legs it hated had carried it way from the hounds while the beautiful horns brought about its death.



All that glitters is not gold.



Opportunity to travel abroad for other work. It is unlikely that your candidacy was considered if you only had a school certificate in your pocket.
The development of mental abilities is another important element that we must remember.

USE in social studies: 5 traps of the popular exam. Preparing for the Unified State Examination: learning a language or taking tests? And this means that the root of the problem when passing the exam in English is not the exam itself, but the way to prepare for it.

The USE is a centralized exam conducted in n educational institutions. Thanks to the control measuring materials, it helps to assess the quality of student preparation. In the article we will learn how to pass the exam, which exams to take and how to get 100 points.

Since 2009, the USE has been a form of final exams at a lyceum or school, as well as a form of entrance exams to universities. The list of compulsory disciplines is presented in mathematics and n. The rest of the items are optional. It can be a foreign language, literature, computer science, physics, geography and others.

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