Urdu 10th Matric Class Guess Paper 2022

Urdu 10th Class Guess Paper


Chapters for question

  • 4,5,6,9,10,12,17,


  • Markzi khyal
  • Fatma bent Abdullah,
  • mediane krbla,
  • HLkesaan


  • Ye fakhar to hasil hai,
  • Museebt bhi rahat,
  • admi admi say.
  • Ghazal for tashreezno.21 .24.
  • Nzum for Tashree:1 6,17,19,20

Urdu Kholasa Guess Papers

When developing proposals and recommendations, attention is drawn to their validity, reality and practical acceptability.

In conclusion, conclusions are drawn on the work as a whole. They include the most important conclusions from all chapters. The conclusions must strictly correspond to the tasks of the work formulated in the introduction, reflect the practical value of the results that the author has come to.
The basic law of life says – A person needs to constantly grow and develop. If he does not do this, then he significantly increases the risk of calming down and stopping there. And then fate itself will begin to confront a person with situations from which he will have to learn another lesson.

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In everyday life, we find a lot of evidence of the operation of this law.


The biography and descriptions of the lives of prominent people, people who have achieved success and are universally respected, in most cases begin with the fact that they felt bad, or no one loved them, did not recognize them, did not consider them.


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