The Use of Force by William Carlos Williams Questions and Answers

The Use of Force Questions


Q1.What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor?


Ans. The parents especially the mother was disturbed about the health of her daughter, she was spick and span and apologetic lady. On the arrival of the doctor, the father tried to move for the doctor but the doctor rushed not to bother him. Both the father and the mother of the little girl were nervous and they were eyeing the doctor up and down distrustfully.



Q2. How did the child behave with the doctor?


Ans. The child behaved adamantly and was ready for her medical check-up. She was inwardly quiet and healthy in appearance with expressionless face. She also reacted strongly, when the doctor tried to open her mouth for throat examination.



Q3. Why did the doctor call her by her first name?


Ans. The doctor called the child by her first name โ€œMatildaโ€ to make her sure that he is intimate and friendly. He also wanted to make her realize that he was their family doctor and had already known them.

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Q4. Why did the parents rebuke the little girl?


Ans. The parents rebuked the little girl for her misbehavior and partly because she knocked away the glasses of the doctor as he lovingly approached her to examine, which fell a few yards away on the kitchen floor.



Q5. How did the doctor threaten the sick child?


Ans. Considering the children lying on the death bed due to ignorance, the doctor indirectly threatened the little girl by saying that if she did not cooperate for her throat examination he would open it by force for her.



Q6. How did the child look by appearance?


Ans. The child was as strong as heifer in appearance but her face was flushed due to high fever and she was breathing rapidly. She was inwardly quiet and was eyeing the doctor furiously with expressionless face. In short, she was as cute as the children, who appear in the photogravure section of the Sunday magazines.

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Q7. Why did the parents keep the child in the kitchen?


Ans. The parents kept the sick child in the kitchen to keep warm, where she was resting in her fatherโ€Ÿs lap. They kept her there also because the house was very damp sometimes.



Q8. How did the doctor succeed in examining the sick child?


Ans. When the doctor failed to convince the sick child to open her mouth for examination, as a last resort he grasped head of the girl and tried to put the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth. When he succeeded in doing so, the girl crushed the wooden depressor with her teeth into splinters. Then he asked for a metallic spoon and pushed it her mouth until she gagged showing the tonsils covered with membrane.



Q9.Under what circumstances the use of force can be justified?


Ans. The use of force cannot be justified in general, however, in cases where danger to life is imminent; the use of force becomes inevitable. In the lesson, โ€œThe Use of Forceโ€, the doctor and the parents tried their level best in politely and kindly but as a last resort they had to use force at the risk of her life to examine her throat.

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