Short Note on Carbohydrates
- i) They contain three element i.e. carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
- ii) The simplest carbohydrate is glucose i.e. sugar.
iii) One gram of carbohydrates can provide 3800 calories energy.
- iv) Carbohydrates are of three types:
- Monosahccarides are simple sugars.
- Disaccharides are formed by condensation of two Monosahccarides units.
- When many Monosahccarides join they form polysaccharides e.g. Glycogen, Starch, Cellulose.
Introduction to Accounting The nature and purpose of accounting Some of the major users of accounting information are: 1) owners of business, 2) lenders of money, such as banks, 3)suppliers of goods and services, 4) managers of businesses, 5) customers of a business, 6) employees, 7) governments, 8) the public, 9) competitors.