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1st Year Biology Notes Chapter # 11 (Bioenergetic)

1st Year Biology Chapter # 11 (Bioenergetic)


1st Year Biology Notes Chapter # 11 (Bioenergetic)

What is the path of development of a highly qualified specialist? For example, an IT developer, product manager, development director or systems engineer.

The development trajectory of a demanded person in business is approximately the same. A good education, because while a person gnaws at the granite of a complex science, his intellect develops one way or another . Therefore, with a high probability we are talking about a technical specialization and / or a fundamental education in the natural sciences. And then a thorny path through the career steps, in which the training took place in practice, including from experienced mentors or as part of cool projects. From time to time there is a pumping of skills in short-term courses.

We consider SHSM as a service platform. And these services will help people with the least expenditure of finances and time to go through these stages of development. To do this, we are developing a modern fundamental program (intelligence stack of sota-transdisciplines) with access to applied courses, revolutionary teaching methods and an IT platform using AI (a bundle of CRM, online courses and learning assistance services). If we can make an additional 1 million people smarter, then the world will definitely change for the better.

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