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2nd Year English Guess Paper 2022 All Punjab Boards

2nd Year English Guess Paper

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For Colin de la Higuera , professor at the University of Nantes, holder of a UNESCO Chair in free resources: “it’s very French to call that free educational resources. In other languages, the term is open , “open”. Several terms can be used to define them, which shows that it is a living subject, still under construction. »

Previously, a teacher prepared his lessons using a textbook, knowledge based on his own experience and geographically close colleagues. With the advent of the Internet, this process has changed. The teacher uses this tool as an encyclopaedic body of knowledge, like Wikipedia, and as a work tool to be shared with colleagues on the other side of the planet.

But sometimes it’s hard to find the right resources. How do you know a video is useful without watching it? How do I know if a lesson from an unknown teacher is correct? How to distinguish a resource free of rights and therefore that can be redistributed freely and free of charge to its students?

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