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9th Class Guess Paper Islamiat Subjective Section

Islamiyat Guess Papers for 9th Class

Subjective Guess Questions for 9th

1- Quran Pak Taaruf

2- Hifazat & Fazail

3- Zakaat & Farziat

4- Ahmait & masarif

5- Itaat e Rasool

School tablets: how to consolidate the achievements during the summer holidays
Summer is synonymous with great holidays, leisure and relaxation! But we all know that this truce should not keep children too far from school and learning, otherwise they will lose their bearings and knowledge at the start of the school year. If in the past, the solution of holiday notebooks was the only possibility to revise and learn during the summer holidays, today modern technology brings a real revolution and makes it easy to promote fun and pleasant learning during the summer.

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