Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2016 Pak Study Group II

Past Papers of 9th Class 2016 Pak Study

Past Papers of 9th Class Lahore Board 2016 Pak Study

For the teacher, this is an undeniable advantage: he is thus freer to create and innovate in his method of teaching and to adopt it about the course or the population of students he has. in class.

The tablet allows personalization of teaching
All teachers know that the same discourse is not heard or understood in the same way by all students. Faced with a large class, the teacher cannot multiply to teach everyone according to the personal mode that may suit him.

An educational tablet allows this on different scales. It is thus possible to design exercises or learning methods by groups of levels, or even to personalize them for certain pupils. Digital technology offers great flexibility for configuring these actions and quickly designing a more personalized education that is better suited to each individual.

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