Pros and Cons of Living in New York

Pros and Cons of living in New York

Pros and Cons of Living in New York

New York is a city of great opportunities that allows the most hard-working and strong-willed people to succeed. The largest number of head centers and offices of the world’s largest corporations are located here. Business centers border with eminent hotels, restaurants and clubs, as well as large world-famous universities open their doors.
What is life like in New York
what is life like in new york
This city has an abundance of prospects, so organizing and adjusting your life in New York is a big dream, as well as for Americans themselves.

Pros and Cons of living in New York

Many former residents of the post-Soviet space, each at one time, moved to New York and successfully live there to this day.

Most Americans have a condescending attitude towards migrants. Perhaps this attitude is due to the fact that most Americans are the children of migrants in one generation or another. Most often you can hear that they have 40-60% European roots. Therefore, Americans have a tactful attitude – they value emigrants for their diligence, the quality of their work, and the so-called “creativity” (resourcefulness).

Consequently, life in New York for who love and burn with their work will be more than successful.

Over time, every new arrival in this city will remain in it and in a generation will become almost a native New Yorker.
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Living in New York: pros and cons
The Big Apple is rightfully considered the second capital of the United States – this city is huge, practically does not fall asleep and requires diligence and maximum efficiency from every resident. The frantic pace of life forces us to face high competition with local residents and other immigrants almost daily. It is difficult to cope with the intense rhythm of life, mainly for middle-aged and elderly people. For young people, as well as teenagers, adjusting to the pace of New York is not difficult.

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But almost everyone who has moved, at one time or another, experiences a great psychological and mental stress.

The main disadvantage that every immigrant who has moved to New York, or just abroad, faces is homesickness. Yes, this cannot be taken away, but something will have to be sacrificed for the sake of a dream and improving the quality of life. The main way out of this situation is to install in Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and Zoom. Thanks to such applications, you can organize both individual online calls and group video meetings with close and dear people.

Also, the disadvantages of living in New York include:

expensive apartments and utility bills – both buying and renting, and no matter where the room or apartment is located, the cost of living in New York will be significantly higher than the US average;
the incessant smell of sewerage is the main scourge of big cities and New York is no exception, because this “aroma” will hover both in the city center and in its presentable areas;
here you never know where you can find yourself at the end of the day, so many guys and girls who are in search of a soulmate need to look at 100 in the morning;
traffic in the city is frantic, and the quality of the roads suffers.
So that the picture of helplessness does not horrify the future migrant, it should be noted that Americans very often marry beauties, but American young ladies are somewhat less inclined to enter into intercontinental marriages.

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Pros of living in New York
To evaluate your future position as a New Yorker, you should also consider the advantages of living in this city:

firstly, this city is for many a symbol of their childhood – these are Disney cartoons, comedies and action films that were filmed in the city;
secondly, on the streets of the city there are a large number of objects of antiquity, and not only architectural ones;
thirdly, only a lazy and inert person will not find a job to their liking in New York; for everyone else, the doors to Oz literally open, where you can get almost everything you want.
fourthly, due to the multicultural population in the city, there are many national communities, each of which opens its own restaurant, cafeteria, and nightclub somewhere.
An additional advantage of living in New York is the opportunity to meet the world’s celebrities at arm’s length. Most often, Americans arrange parties not only in open, but also in closed formats. You don’t get to such events just like that, someone has to invite guests. And as a result, George Clooney, Meryl Streep or any other star can be at such closed parties.

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If you correctly weigh your strengths and weaknesses, firmly set goals, and also motivate yourself, evaluate life in New York: the pros and cons, you can clearly calculate your prospects for development and enrichment.

Cost of living in New York
A big apple will require from a migrant not only a great return in terms of work, but also effective self-presentations and literally 100% self-confidence.

You can answer the question of how much life costs in New York, but everyone will have their own answer. Someone has a great working or creative potential, someone will be able to promote their personal brand through the Internet, which costs many times more than a migrant’s employment in a traditional profession.

It is important to mention here the accommodation, which will take the lion’s share of the salary, but interestingly, living in any other city, Ukraine or Belarus, the rent also makes up 45-55% of the entire salary.

Therefore, the expensive cost of living in New York is, in principle, a myth, because by the standards of the cost of food, the maintenance of a personal car and living in a rented apartment, the cost of living in Moscow is in no way inferior to the cost of living in New York.


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