Mohabbat Dil Pe Dastak Part 1 Novel by Effit Seher Pasha

Mohabbat Dil Pe Dastak Part 1 Novel by Effit Seher Pasha

Mohabbat Dil Pe Dastak Part 1 Novel

This is one of the best piece of Mohabbat Dil Pe Dastak From the collection of or Written by Effit Seher Pasha It have 187 (One Hundred & Eighty Seven) Pages.

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“How can a tutor explain new material?
Any tutor , whether he is a beginner or already with experience, has repeatedly wondered how to correctly explain new material to a student so that he does not have difficulties in understanding it. How to make your child listen to you with an โ€œopen mouthโ€ and catch every word? And most importantly – so that everything heard remains in his head and finds its application for Mohabbat Dil Pe Dastak Novel?

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5 rules every tutor should know
1. The volume of new material should directly depend on the level of the student and his age. Those. the younger the child and the weaker in knowledge, the shorter the theory should be. Ideally, this is no more than 5 minutes, and in some cases this time can be reduced to 120 seconds.

2. It is necessary to explain slowly and clearly, revealing only the basic meaning of the concept. In the future, when the base is mastered, you can think about a more extended explanation and disclosure of all the intricacies of the topic.

3. Theory must be supported by practice Mohabbat Dil Pe Dastak Novel. At the same time, it is important to correctly approach the process of applying the knowledge gained: if the child is very weak in the subject, then you can first perform several examples yourself, saying aloud the algorithm of work and all the necessary stages, and only then give the task to the student. There is no need to be afraid to prompt if the child is experiencing difficulties. In the future, you can ask home a general training topic, but if time permits, then it is best to do it together so that you can see what typical mistakes your ward makes and eliminate the existing knowledge gaps in time.

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4. When explaining, always pay close attention to the student’s reactions. This is important in order to catch in time the moment when the material becomes too complicated and try to present the same thing a little easier, in other words or with the help of an elementary example.

5. No need for self-criticism. If a child does not manage to master the material well, this does not mean that you are a bad tutor, or that it is time for the child to go to a special school. You just need to think again about how you can present the same information in a different way. Perhaps the student needs a little more time to understand all the subtleties Mohabbat Dil Pe Dastak Novel.

And most importantly, remember – if you want to become a good tutor, then please be patient. And let the words of the movie hero Duncan Macleod from the Highlander series always sound in your head. When asked how he became so smart, he answered without hesitation: โ€œ Like everyone else. Gradually. Step by step . “”

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