Names of Mughal Kings in Sequence & Mughal Empire Time Period

Names of Mughal Kings in Sequence


Babur                                  1526 – 1530

Humayun                           1530 – 1540

1555 – 1556

Akbar                                   1556 – 1605

Jahangir                               1605 – 1627

Shahryar                              1627 – 1628

Shah Jahan                          1628 – 1658

Aurangzeb                             1658 – 1707

Muhammad Azam Shah     1707

Bahadur Shah l                     1707 – 1712

Jahandar Shah                      1712 – 1713

Farrukhsiyar                          1713 – 1719

Rafi ud-Darajat                     1719

Shah Jahan H                       1719

Muhammad Shah                 1719 – 1748

Ahmad Shah Bahadur          1748 – 1754

Alamgir II                                1754 – 1759

Shah Jahan III                        1759 – 1760

Shah Alam II                            1760 – 1806

Jahan Shah IV                         1788

Akbar II                                     1806 – 1837

Bahadur Shah II                       1837 – 1857

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