Hitchhiking Across the Sahara Answer Questions

Hitchhiking Across the Sahara Answer Questions


Q. 1: Who is the writer of Hitch-Hiking across the Sahara”?


Ans:    G.F. Lamb is the writer of the essay „Hitch-Hiking Across the Sahara’.



Q. 2: Give an idea of the size of the Sahara. How does it compare with England?


Ans:    The Sahara is a very vast desert in Africa. It is many times the size of greetBritain. England is very

small if compared with this desert.



Q. 3: What had Christophers foster mother to do with his desire to see distant places?


Ans:    In his childhood, Christopher’s foster mother used to threaten him to send him toTimbuktu (a city in Sahara) if he got naughty. The threat instead of alarming him aroused a keen desire in him to visit distant places of Sahara.



Q. 4: How did he manage to get a seat in the weapon carrier?


Ans:    He requested the French in charge of the weapon carrier to allow him to travel with them. He produced a permit from Ministry of war that he could go to French troops for his article.



Q. 5: What was the most noticeable feature of the desert city named Ghardaia?


Ans: Ghardaia was a typical desert city. Flies were in plenty there. Its flies were even more numerous and stickier than anywhere else. Almost everything there was covered with flies.

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Q. 6: How did they manage to drive the heavy truck in the trackless desert with its soft sand?


Ans:    When the truck stuck into the sand, they took out steel mesh and placed them together to make a runway for the truck on the sand. In this way, they crossed the desert with its soft sand.



Q. 7: What did the driver tell Christopher about three Englishmen who had attempted to cross the desert?


Ans:   The driver told the story to him about three English people who tried to cross the part of the desert in a car. Their car was stuck in a sand dune and thus they died of thirst.



Q. 8: Give an account of the little town, named El Golea, and compare it with In Salah.


Ans:    El Golea was a true oasis with plenty of water. In El Golea, Christopher took bath in a little pool. The pool was shaded by palm-trees. He also enjoyed lying on the cool grass beside the pool. On the other hand, In Salah was fighting a battle for its survival. The sand was encroaching it.

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Q. 9: What do you know of Professor Claude Balanguernon? How did he save the hero’s life towards the end of hitch-hike?


Ans:    Professor Claude Balanguernon was a Frenchman who devoted his life to educate the Taureg people. He was well-aware of the features and routes of the Sahara. He saved Christopher’ life by helping him in time when he missed his route and might die of thirst.



Q.10: Describe the events leading to the killing of a camel? What sort of water did they get from its stomach?


Ans: When they had dire shortage of water and they might die of thirst, they killed a camel. They obtained a tick yellowish green liquid from its stomach and drank that to save their lives.



Q.11: Describe the journey through „The land of Thirst and death’.


Ans: The area where they killed a camel for water was known as “The land of Thirstand Death”. It was notorious for sand storms and dry wells of water. They also saw a snake and vultures there.



Q.12: How much distance did Christopher cover to reach his destination?


Ans: He crossed 3200 kilometers of desert and reached his destination Timbuktu.

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