Islamiyat Matric Guess Paper 2022

Islamiyat Matric Guess 2022

Short Quetions

  • ka lia suraton ke exercise or hamdard objective book.

Long questions

  • khutba huja tul alwada,
  • haqooq ul ebad,
  • jehad ke eksam,fazyl,
  • ahmia,hjrat ka fazyl,
  • aile zindi,
  • olad ka haqoq

Islamiyat Guess Paper from Quranic Section


Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that when developing the parameters for the implementation of the national project, indicators were identified that should be reached in the next two years, which should also be taken into account when working on the draft budget for next year; the basic elements of project management and the legal framework of work are being created.

He further noted that serious work had begun on preparing a mechanism to support regions in which new systems of financing in education are being introduced, raising teachers’ incomes, developing the material and technical base, and all this should be aimed at improving the quality of education and giving it an innovative character; the selection of innovative universities was completed and 17 leaders were identified; the total amount of support for the implementation of the program for their development will amount to 10 billion rubles this and next year; the project is selecting the best school teachers – both the teachers themselves and the relevant advanced schools; the results of these contests will be announced in the fall, and related prizes and grants will also be presented to educators; the task has been set for 2 years to give broadband access to electronic educational systems to all 50 thousand schools,

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The national project “Education” will be successfully implemented if the efforts of all branches and levels of power are combined, if problems are solved comprehensively, using the co-financing method.

At the same time, in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation a decrease in funding allocated to the regions within the framework of national projects is already recorded, that is, an agreement on the volumes of co-financing from the regions is not being implemented.

In June 2006, assuming office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Yuri Chaika identified six main priorities in his future work. As the second priority, he identified the assistance of the prosecutor’s office in implementing national projects (including “Education”), which are being stalled partly due to the lawlessness of local authorities.

In this situation, it is necessary to intensify the participation of public organizations both at the stage of determining the objects of financing, and for the timely and full allocation of the planned funds and their intended use. It is necessary to strive in each region for a constant, from year to year, expansion of the number of objects and volumes of co-financing of activities of the national program “Education”.

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Since most employers still prefer to hire those who are already specialists with practical work experience and experience. Therefore, it would be wise to acquire experience in the specialty at first in a low-paid job related to the future specialty, even indirectly.
Those who are already working and considering getting a second degree are more likely to find a new job or get a promotion after graduation than young professionals who do not have the necessary work experience and length of service.

However, despite some economic growth, most experts still advise looking for and getting a second education. Whether you’re looking for a full-time job or a part-time job, it’s never too late to speed up your search.

In addition, studies show that most graduates are not in a hurry to find a job for hire, but open or master their own business or work as freelancers.
This indicates that today the majority of university graduates are trying to rely more on their own strength than on the state and that specialists will always and everywhere be in demand, even in an ever-changing labor market.

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