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Ali Pur Ka Aili Part 1 of 5 by Mumtaz Mufti

Ali Pur Ka Aili Part 1

This is one of the best piece of Ali Pur Ka Aili Part 1 From the collection of or Written by Mumtaz Mufit It have 300 (Three Hundred) Pages of Ali Pur Ka Aili Part 1.

In 1991, within the walls of the Moscow State University for the Humanities, a new theory of student learning was developed. Its developer – Andrey Aleksandrovich – Head of the Department of Social and Educational Psychology. The teacher had as his goal the introduction of elements of professional activity into the learning process of Ali Pur Ka Aili Part 1, accelerating the adaptation of the student to the chosen profession. In his opinion, in this way many contradictions that existed in the traditional education system are overcome. The concept was named “sign-contextual learning” .

The purpose of this teaching methodology is to form students’ internal motivation and perception of themselves as an active specialist. Its content is due to two main positions:

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Reliance on the theoretical basis of the studied science Ali Pur Ka Aili Part 1.
Items that directly constitute professional activity.
These two provisions give the name to the method: “sign-” (implies educational texts) and “-context” (implies the subject basis of the activity).

If with the first position for the student everything is quite familiar (traditional study of theory), then the second requires a more thorough explanation. It assumes that general education and erudition are not an end in itself for a future specialist, and the educational process should combine theory and production. Anyways, lets come to the point that is ali pur ka aili novel

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Ali Pur Ka Aili Part 5 of 5


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