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Badal Gaye Mausam by Shazia Mustafa PDF

Badal Gaye Mausam by Shazia Mustafa

This is one of the best piece of Badal Gaye Mausam From the collection of or Written by Shazia Mustafa It have 8 (Eight) Pages.

“Book competitions”. Of course, one should not exclude such an element of the educational process as competition. Among DEC life school students there is a competition “Who will read more pages of Badal Gaye Mausam per day / week / month?” Or “Who will read a page of text faster” or “Who will learn a poem by heart faster?”

Of course, this is not the whole list of methods and techniques that teachers and students use in our school, but their effectiveness has been tested on our own experience.

The role of paper books in the formation and development of a child’s personality in the modern world should not be underestimated. Your personal parental example of a person who reads books at home will probably be the most powerful motivation for a child to love reading. Also, our teachers strongly advise parents to read books together at home with children – this establishes a strong emotional connection in the family Badal Gaye Mausam, forms a trusting and creative atmosphere and, perhaps, is the best in terms of the value of spending time with the child.

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Badal Gaye Mausam PDF

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