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Bas Ek Sanam Harjai by Umme-Maryam

Bas Ek Sanam Harjai

This is one of the best piece of Bas Ek Sanam Harjai From the collection of or Written by Umme-Maryam It have 22 (Twenty Two) Pages. Material from a paper edition is better perceived and remembered. Moreover, this is noted not only by adults, but also by children. “I remember well the fairy tale about the fox and the cat, which we read in the lesson. There was also a funny cat with a backpack similar to mine, ”recalls our seven-year-old student, Nikita. Scientists have conducted many studies to compare the speed of perception and processing of information, and the depth of memorization of reading from different sources. The results were unambiguous: for a better perception of information, not only the content of the book is important, but also its appearance, font size, the position of the text on the page, the presence or absence of illustrations. All this helps to structure information and reproduce.

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