My Best Friend Essay in English for Class 10

 My Best Friend Essay in English


A true friend is a blessing of God. The world looks gloomy in the absence of a true and sincere friend. Ali is my best friend. He belongs to a very noble family. He is a hardworking student and always stands first in the class.

He is much interested in games and sports. Besides this he is a good speaker . He is one of the most popular boys in the school. He possesses all the qualities of head and heart. He loves all but hates none. He shares the joys and sorrows of his friends.

My best friend is an embodiment of all human virtues. He is a calm and quite boy who does not injure any one’s feelings. He helps the poor feeds the hungry and nurses the sick. He has a religious bent of mind. He sincerely follows the teachings of Islam. He is a true Muslim from the core of his heart. He is a store-house of knowledge. I have learnt a lot from him.

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He is always ready to help me in my studies. As a matter of fact, I am lucky that a person like Ali is my best friend. For me, he is a source of inspiration and guidance. For these qualities, I call him my true friend.




A team of scientists (mainly from France) led by Stanislas Dehaene compared the brain activity (using the same MRI) of illiterate people, people who learned to read in adulthood and “ordinary”, literate people from childhood. It turned out that in a literate person, when recognizing text, the visual area of the cerebral cortex begins to work much more intensively, the areas responsible for processing sound information are activated, and several other brain centers are simultaneously turned on. But not only this characterizes the work of the “literate brain” – even with the perception of only oral information, a literate person begins to work more intensively than an illiterate one, the phonological area starts to work and several other zones are turned on.

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