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Bichoo Urdu Novel By M.A Rahat

Bichoo Urdu Novel By MA Rahat pdf

Title of this novel is “Bicchoo” Written by MA Rahat. A fiction mysterious story in Urdu language. Download in pdf format to read offline.


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Then what do those who always brag about how many books they manage to read count on? Are they lying? Oddly enough, but no. They do read, and they manage to reach the last page by evening. But there is a nuance: such “speed reading” leaves nothing behind … Therefore, do not believe that I have read 30 books in a month. They have read it, but it is of little use. Do not repeat other people’s mistakes and take the next book not as a quest “read me faster than anyone !! 1”, but enjoy it as an original story. Then it will be possible to appreciate the literary work at its true worth, and not just indulge the next trend.

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