What are the Symptoms of Malaria
What are the Symptoms of Malaria i) High fever (106°F.) ii) Headache. iii) High breathing. iv) Heavy sweating. 5 benefits of Google Play Books Android and iOS Regardless of which smartphone or tablet you use, it is possible to install Play Books on iOS and Android. If you have equipment on one and…
How does Plasmodium enter the Body of a Mosquito
How does Plasmodium enter the Body of a Mosquito It is carried through a female Anopheles mosquito from a patient of malaria. PDF and EPUB formats In addition to books purchased directly in the application, you can download books from the Internet in .pdf .epub formats. In the settings of Google Play Books,…
Malaria Definition Biology
Malaria Definition Biology Malaria was derived from two Latin words: i) Mala means bad. ii) Aria means air. So, the meaning of malaria becomes bad air. Flexible settings You can customize the font, spacing, choose the background for the book you are reading, turn on night mode so that the…
What is Control Experiment in Biology
What is Control Experiment The experiments or groups, in which all the factors affecting an experiment except the one being tested are duplicated, are called control experiments or control groups In addition to all the advantages that the Google Play Books service boasts, there is one significant drawback – the cost of books.…
Which form of Hypothesis is called a Theory
Which form of Hypothesis is called a Theory When a hypothesis has been proved by consistent results of many experiments it becomes a theory. The general question for the user is whether there are any differences between them; and if so, which ones?There are differences between the screens of “e-readers” (readers, e-readers, e-books)…
What is Biological Method of Study
Biological Method of Study Different stages of biological method are: 1 -Observation: After determination of any problem observations are made to collect information. Malaria was a dreadful disease in past. Many people die with this. There was no treatment of malaria. Scientist made following observations in this regard: i) Malaria and…
What is the Relation of Biology with other Sciences
Relation of Biology with other Sciences Biophysics It deals with study of those laws of physics which are applicable on biological phenomena. Biochemistry It is the study of chemicals found in living things. Biometry The data collected from experiments and observations made on organisms is analyzed by various methods of…
What are the Branches of Biology and their Definition
Branches of Biology and their Definition Biology has following branches: Morphology It is the study of form and structure of an organism. It has two types i) External morphology is the study of external parts. ii) Internal morphology is the study of internal parts. It is also called anatomy. …
What is Biology Definition in English
What is Biology Definition The scientific study of living things in which all aspects of living things are discussed The word biology has been derived from two Greek words: i) Bios means, Life ii) Logos means discussion, thought, knowledge etc. There are gaps between the pixels here. It follows from…
Why Bryophytes are called Amphibians of Plant Kingdom
Why Bryophytes are called Amphibians Although bryophytes have mostly dispensed with water, still they need water for sexual reproduction because their male gametes are flagellated and motile. For this reason the bryophytes are also called amphibious plants. This helps to reduce the level of glare from external light sources by “smearing” their reflections.…