Category: Notes

  • Transport Materials through the Cell

    Transport Materials through the Cell   In living organisms, transport of material takes place through cell membrane.   Following are the some process by which transport of materials takes place.   Diffusion:   The movement of molecules or ions from higher concentration to lower concentration is called diffusion.   Water, Co2, 02 and some other…

  • What is the Importance of Water for Living Organisms

    Importance of Water for Living Organisms   Water plays an important role in our daily life:   i) It is an important active constituent of living matter, the protoplasm.   ii) It serves as a medium in many physiological processes.   iii) It is a universal solvent and a medium of transport.     Water…

  • What is the Main Function of the Transport System of the Human Body

    Function of the Transport System in Human Body   The primary function of transport system is to maintain a link between all cells of the body and the external environment. It transports the nutrients to the points where they are to be used.   Make a schedule, where for each day, at least one hour…

  • What is Rheumatoid Arthritis

    What is Rheumatoid Arthritis   It is less frequent type of joint degeneration. It is common in older people than young people. Affected joints become hot and swollen during attacks.   It is very important to communicate with those who are engaged in this, who are inspired by this business. These can be artists, teachers,…

  • What is Osteoporosis

    What is Osteoporosis   It is a disease in which bones becomes soft. It is common in elderly women affecting about 1 in 4 over the age of 60 years. A balanced diet rich in calcium and regular exercise helps to keep bones strong.   There is no need to be afraid of something new…

  • How are Muscles Attached to the Skeleton

    Muscles Attached to the Skeleton   Attachment of Muscles:   i) Muscles are attached to bones at origin and insertion.   ii) One end of muscles are attached to an immovable and rigid bones is known as origin.   i) Muscles may have more than one origin.   ii) Other end of muscles is attached…

  • What are Joints and its Types

    Joints and its Types   Joints and their Types:   Joint:   The place where two bones meat is called joint.   Types:-   Joints are of three types which are as under:   Immovable joints:   These joints do not show any kind of movement e.g. joint in skull bones.   Slightly movable joints:…

  • Definition of Flexor Extensor

    Definition of Flexor Extensor   Flexor and Extensor:   Flexor:   Bending of arm at elbow joint is called flexion and the muscle that causes this movement is called flexor.   Extensor:   Straightening of arm at elbow joint is called extension, and the muscle that causes this movement is called exterior.   Explore simple…

  • Definition the Term Tendon and Ligament

    Tendon and Ligament   Tendons and ligaments:   Tendons:-   i) Tendons are straps of connective tissues which help in attachment of muscles.   ii) Many muscles that extents are present in lower leg. These muscles travel over front ankle and the upper surface of foot bones.   Ligaments:   i) Ligaments are strong flexible…

  • Function of Skeleton in Support and Movement

    Function of Skeleton in Support and Movement   Functions of skeleton in support and movement:   i) The skeleton holds the body and keeps its shape.   ii) Many bones of skeleton acts as levers.   iii) Bones produce movements.   iv) Skeleton provides suitable points for attachment of muscles.   When choosing a reader,…