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Chand Ka Khuda (The God of Moon) By Ilyas Seetapuri


Chand Ka Khuda

The name of the book is “Chand Ka Khuda” (The God of Moon). Written by Ilyas Seetapuri. This book contains 4 beautiful historical histories in the Urdu language with the following titles.

1. Talash-e-Haq (In Search of the Right Path)

A young saint chose seclusion after being disheartened by the atrocity of monarchy. What is the right path and where is the right path? In respect of his thoughts and struggle, he had to face bitter experiences of life. He tried to take refuge in Christianity, but was not able to find the right person for it. . The helpless saint became confused. Thereafter, the monarchy played and amazing but practical joke with him. When the magic pen of Ilyas Seetapuri translated this in a legendary, then it became a beautiful and everlasting story.


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During the first year of study, the teacher focuses on reading technique, because academic performance in all subjects directly depends on this. The child must understand what he is reading about, comprehend the information and apply it in practice. The educational standard in Russia does not contain approved norms for the reading speed of first graders, paying more attention to its quality. By the end of the first class, such indicators are assessed:

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reading by syllables or full pronunciation of words (syllabic is allowed when reading polysyllabic words);
clarity and correct pronunciation of sounds;
expressiveness of reading – pauses in the right place, intonation, semantic stress;
reading comprehension.

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