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What are the Characteristics of Class Reptilia

Characteristics of Class Reptilia


  1. i) Members of these groups are called reptiles.


  1. ii) Most of animals of this group are terrestrial. A few live in water.


iii) They are also called crawlers.


  1. iv) Their skin is thick, dry and rough.


  1. v) Lungs are present for respiration.


  1. vi) Teeth are present which are used for cutting and biting.


vii) Legs are present for movement.


viii) Some lizards are poisonous.


  1. ix) All the reptiles lay eggs on land. Aquatic reptiles like turtles also lay eggs on land.


  1. x) They are cold-blooded animals. They cannot maintain constant body temperature.


  1. xi) Their common examples are lizard, snakes, chameleon, turtle and crocodile etc.



Example (Lizard):


  1. i) It is domestic lizard found in houses.


  1. ii) Its body is covered with small scales.


iii) It has two prominent eyes on head.


  1. iv) The digits of finger and toes are padded due to which they can climb on walls.
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  1. v) Flies, mosquitoes and other small insects are food of lizard.


  1. vi) Food is captured by sticky tongue.



Example (Snake):


  1. i) It lives both on water and land.


  1. ii) Its body is long and cylindrical.


iii) Its eyes are permanently covered with transparent membrane.


  1. iv) External and middle ear are absent. However inner ear is present.


  1. v) Two pits are present in palate. Snake detect their prey by its heat.


  1. vi) There are many species of snake but 1/3 of them are poisonous.


vii) Poisonous glands are present in mouth. It inject its position through upper teeth called fangs.


viii) Non-poisonous snakes catch and kill their prey and then engulf them.


  1. ix) Most snakes lay eggs but some give birth to their young ones.


  1. x) Some snakes like garter and copper head keep their shelled eggs in their body, which hatch inside the body.
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