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Chemistry 9th Class Guess Paper 2022

Chemistry 9th Class Guess


Questions # 20

  • Define chemical bond.
  • What is meant by metric bond?
  • Differentiate between lone pair and bond pair of electrons.
  • Differentiate between Polar and non polar covalent bond.
  • Describe at least two necessary conditions for the formation of a covalent bond.
  • How coordinate covalent bond is formed in the hydronium ion?
  • What is the cause of polarity in covalent bond?
  • What type of covalent bond is formed in nitrogen molecule?
  • Why have water polar covalent bonds?
  • Define ionic bond, explain different steps in the formation of NaCr.
  • What is a triple covalent bond, explain with an example?
  • What is a coordinate covalent bond? Explain it with example.
  • What is metallic bond? Explain the metallic bonding with the help of a diagram.
  • Explain double covalent bond with the help of an example.
  • Define hydrogen bonding. Explain how these properties affect the physical properties of compound.
  • Define ionic bond and Why ionic compounds are easily soluble in water?
  • Define coordinate covalent bond. How it is formed. Explain with examples.

Questions # 21

  • Differentiate between Oxidizing agents and Reducing agents with the help of an example.
  • Define reducing agent.

Questions # 22

  • Which form of sculpture exists at room temperature?
  • Define transition temperature.
  • What is absolute temperature?
  • What is general principle of solubility?
  • What is absolute zero temperature?
  • What is the effect of temperature on solubility?
  • Define pressure and write its unit.
  • What is vapor pressure and how it is affected by intermolecular forces?
  • Why is vapour pressure higher at high temperature?
  • Define atmospheric pressure.
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Questions # 23

  • Briefly describe the electrolysis of water.
  • What is electrolysis?
  • Describe the process that take place in the electrolysis of molten NaCI.

Questions # 24

  • How can distinguish between solution and pure solvent?
  • How you can explain the solute-solvent interaction to prepare a NaCl solution?
  • Define solute and solvent.
  • Differentiate between solute and solvent with examples of each.

Questions # 25

  • Define aqueous solution.
  • What does mean by unsaturated solution?
  • Define super saturated solution When we dissolve 20 g of NaC1 in 400 cm3 of solution, what will be its molarity?
  • What is molarity and give its formula to prepare molar solution?
  • How much NaOH is required to prepare 500cm3 of 0.4M solution?
  • What is the major difference between a solution and a mixture?
  • Describe different ways of expressing the percentage composition of a solution.
  • Describe Nelson’s Cell for the manufacture of Caustic soda from brine solution.
  • What is meant by Molar Solution? How it is prepared.
  • Compare the characteristics of solution, colloid and suspension.
  • Why a solution is considered mixture?
  • Differentiate between dilute solution and concentrated solutions with a common example.
  • Why the alloys are considered solutions?
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Questions # 26

  • Define electron electivity.
  • Define electro chemistry.
  • How electro negativity does differ from electron affinity?
  • What is electro negativity?
  • What is the relationship between electro positively and ionization energy?
  • What is relationship between electro negativity and polarity?
  • Describe the trends of electro negativity in a period and in a group.

Questions # 27

  • Why chlorine can accept only 1 electron?
  • When does an electron emit or absorb energy?

Questions # 28

  • What are synthetic adhesives?
  • What you know about Epoxy adhesives?

More Important Questions for 9th Chemistry



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