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Most Common Car Accident Injuries Symptoms

Common Car Accident Injuries

The vast majority of drivers do not prepare themselves for an accident. None of us is anticipating it happening. The reality is, however, that the vast majority of us will be involved in a traffic collision of some type before the end of our lives, and the severity may vary anywhere from a minor scrape to a deadly one.

No matter how minor an automobile collision may appear at first, the potential bodily injury that might follow can have far-reaching consequences. The effects of car crashes don’t often become apparent until days, weeks, or even months later. For this reason, it’s crucial to be checked out by a doctor after a vehicle crash so that any injuries may be properly evaluated and treated, and so that you can make use of the insurance coverage provided by the person who was at responsibility for the accident. If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms after a vehicle accident, the lawyers at David Bryant Law strongly advise you to see a doctor as soon as possible.

1. pain in the head

When someone has been in an accident, one of the most frequent types of discomfort they experience is a headache. Stress, which is common after a stressful accident, may lead to tension headaches. A concussion or other kind of head trauma might also trigger these headaches. Mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a blow to the head that causes disruption of normal brain function is known as a concussion.

In addition to these, concussion victims may also experience a loss of memory, distraction, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. You may have a concussion or other sort of TBI if you’re experiencing migraine-like symptoms after being exposed to bright lights or loud sounds. See a doctor right away to make sure your brain didn’t experience any serious harm.

Recurring headaches are another symptom of whiplash, even if you did not have a head injury in the accident. When your upper body is jolted back and forth at high speed during an accident, the muscles and ligaments in your neck are stretched and torn, causing whiplash. In addition to headaches, neck discomfort, stiffness, and muscular spasms are other common symptoms of whiplash.

Subsequently, you’re experiencing pain in your neck and shoulders.
Whiplash is often blamed for the neck discomfort experienced by vehicle accident victims. Many people who have been in accidents immediately attribute neck pain to whiplash because of the common symptom cluster of stiffness, soreness, and inability to move the neck freely. However, there are additional structures in the upper back, neck, and shoulders that may be damaged in car accidents.

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Several tendons connect the bones and muscles of the neck and shoulder together. Accidental force may rip these tendons, leading to a strained neck muscle or a torn rotator cuff. Shoulder instability and immobility are further results of these injuries.

Injuries to the shoulder and neck are also possible in a car crash. The inability to move freely and the development of frailty are common results of dislocating or separating a joint. As a matter of fact, you could even hear a popping noise whenever your upper body was in motion. Get yourself to the doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

3- Back Ache

Female driver clutching her waist in discomfort, close-up
Back discomfort after an auto collision is often linked to whiplash, just as neck pain is. But broken vertebrae and herniated (slipped) spinal discs are common culprits in cases of back discomfort. The vertebrae in your spine are the individual vertebrae. The intervertebral discs between the vertebrae in your spine are there to cushion your spine from the wear and tear of everyday motion. It’s possible for both buildings to sustain damage from the impact.

A spinal fracture, in which a vertebra is broken, may occur after an automobile collision, even if the damage is only partial. A herniated disc occurs when one of your spinal discs is irritated and ruptures as a result of an injury. When a herniated disc presses on a spinal nerve, it may cause excruciating agony that travels down the arms and legs.

A spinal cord damage might be the cause of severe back pain. Accidents involving automobiles may result in some of the most serious injuries imaginable, including spinal cord injuries that can leave the victim permanently unable. You should see a doctor right away if you have severe back pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs, or trouble moving.

4- Nausea and Stomach Ache

Many types of brain trauma, such as concussions and TBIs, may cause nausea as a symptom. After a vehicle crash, if you’re feeling sick and your stomach hurts, it might be a symptom of internal organ damage. Your vital organs, such as your liver and kidneys, may be damaged if your abdomen slammed into the steering wheel or dashboard.

In the event that you are having symptoms such as nausea, diarrhoea, or stomach pain, it is recommended that you see a doctor. Bruising on the abdomen in the hours and days after an accident may suggest organ injury or haemorrhage.

5. Puffy, Hard, or Fragile

Damage to muscles, tendons, and ligaments, among other soft tissues, is common after a car crash because of the force applied to the body. The skeletal system is held together by ligaments and tendons, which in turn bind muscles to bone.

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Injuries to the soft tissues often cause swelling, stiffness, and discomfort.

Muscle and tendon strains are stretches or tears.
Ligaments may be sprained when they are stretched or torn.
When a tendon becomes inflamed, it is called tendinitis.
Bursitis refers to inflammation of a bursa, a sac filled with fluid that acts as a cushion between bone and soft tissue.
Muscle spasms and localised redness or warmth are further signs of a soft tissue injury.

6- Contusions and Bruises

A bruise or contusion is a kind of subcutaneous haemorrhage. In most automobile accidents, the sufferer is thrown onto hard surfaces, such as the steering wheel, seatbelt, airbag, or side door, sometimes resulting in bruises. While the vast majority of bumps and bruises are nothing to worry about, there are some kinds of bruising that might point to a far more serious injury.

It’s possible that internal bleeding or blood clots are to blame for bruising if it’s accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and a very high temperature. As a result of an accident, chest discomfort accompanied by a contusion may suggest myocardial contusion, or bruising of the heart muscle. You can’t judge a bruise by its appearance. If you think you may have had an internal injury, you should see a doctor right once.

7 Pins and needles A man’s knee discomfort while climbing stairs

Common signs of vehicle accident injuries include numbness and tingling, which can only be diagnosed with imaging tests. Pinched nerves from a herniated disc or inflamed muscle might result in numbness and tingling. After a vehicle crash, pelvic injury might cause tingling and hip discomfort.

Numbness and tingling might be symptoms of a spinal cord injury. Tingling and other strange feelings may result when the spinal cord is damaged and the brain is unable to send signals to the rest of the body. Get an X-ray or MRI done as soon as possible if you notice a loss of sensation or movement in a particular body area.

8. Mood or Behavior Swings

Mood or behaviour changes might indicate a more severe trauma. A concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI) might be to blame for your anger, mood changes, and extreme tiredness. Changes in personality and isolation from friends and family are further signs of possible brain damage.

Changes in mood or behaviour following an automobile accident may indicate psychological stress. Flashbacks, nightmares, and mood swings are all symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which may be brought on by experiencing a stressful event. Extreme vehicle accidents may create stress and sadness, which can be just as incapacitating as physical injuries.

9- Shifts in Eating and Sleeping Patterns

Many injuries sustained in vehicle accidents may lead to alterations in one’s normal eating and sleeping routines, in addition to other, more noticeable effects on one’s personality and conduct. A physical impact from a head trauma could be a change in eating and sleeping habits due to nausea or sleeplessness. When nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and exhaustion persist, medical attention is required.

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Stress and other mental health issues may lead to changes in one’s eating and sleeping routines. After a car crash, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may make it difficult to eat and sleep normally. After a crash, you should see a doctor if you’re not eating normally, if you’re consuming more than usual, or if you’re not sleeping as you normally would.

10- Symptoms of Vertigo and Eye Problems

Symptoms like dizziness and blurred vision are common after a vehicle crash, but they might indicate a more serious condition, such as a traumatic brain injury or whiplash. A accident may cause these symptoms hours, days, or weeks afterwards. Do not wait to consult a doctor if you have visual problems such as blurred or double vision, inability to focus, or vertigo.

11- Tinnitus and Related Hearing Difficulties

The medical word for ear noise is tinnitus. When the areas of the brain responsible for processing sound are destroyed, as they often are after a traumatic brain injury, the patient may have this symptom. When your brain is severely injured, you could not hear things as clearly or at all for a while.

Eardrum perforation is a potential additional cause of hearing loss. High-impact incidents, particularly those involving broken glass, may cause damage to the inner ear by rupturing or puncturing its structures. Get your hearing checked out if you’ve also been sliced up around the face and ears.

12 – Mental Health Issues

Cognitive impairment is a common indication of accident-related injuries. Cognition is the capacity of the mind for tasks such as remembering, understanding new information, and maintaining focus. Memory loss, inattention, and difficulties with decision-making and communication are all examples of cognitive symptoms.

Consequences of brain trauma, such as a concussion, may manifest in both cognitive and somatic ways. Memory loss and inability to focus may also be symptoms of psychological injuries, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. A medical professional should examine both of them. After a car accident, seeing a doctor is your best bet for ensuring your health and safety. A doctor will be able to determine the extent of your damage, record it, and provide you with appropriate treatment. A lawyer for auto accidents may then help you file a personal injury claim to get money for things like medical bills and lost wages while you recover from things like surgery or physical therapy.

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