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What are the benefits of mussels for men and women



What are the benefits of mussels for men and women

People have different attitudes towards seafood: some people can’t stand it, others consider it an exquisite delicacy. For residents of some countries, mussels, shrimps, octopuses are just everyday food. Scientists call mussels a superfood – under the wings of this mollusk there are as many vitamins and microelements hidden as you can’t find in our usual products. We will tell you what substances useful for humans are in mussels.

Composition of mussel meat

Mussels do not contain natural sugars and fiber, but 100 g of the product contains almost 12 g of protein. Very few fats and carbohydrates. Mussels are 80% water. Of the fat-soluble vitamins, mussels contain the most vitamin A and a few vitamins E and K. The main share of water-soluble vitamins are B vitamins, and vitamin B 12 in these delicacies is as much as 400% of the daily requirement[2]. Also, shellfish meat has a significant amount of vitamin C.

What else is useful in mussels?

In 100 g of mussels, one and a half daily norms of manganese and 80% of the daily norm of selenium, a third of the norm of iron and slightly less phosphorus. To be clear: 100 g of mussels have more protein and iron than a steak. Also, healthy shellfish contain a lot of potassium, sodium, zinc and copper.

Useful properties of mussels for women

With such a rich composition in 100 g of mussels, only 77 kcal. The best dietary product is hard to imagine. The benefits of mussels for a woman’s body is that when eating mollusk meat, due to iodine in its composition, it is possible to somewhat stabilize the hormonal background and normalize the thyroid gland. Since mussels contain a lot of iron, their meat is useful for anemia. Plus, these seafood help regulate the menstrual cycle, make it easier to endure menopause and prolong youth longer. Remember Japanese women, whose age is difficult to determine. Seafood is a frequent part of their diet.

What are the benefits of mussels for men?

The benefits of mussels for the body of men is that seafood helps to increase their reproductive function and protect against early impotence. Mussels act as an aphrodisiac and increase sexual desire – no pills needed.

The benefits of mussels for any person is that the delicacy affects the health of the eyes, heart and blood vessels, as well as immunity. Due to omega-3 fatty acids, shellfish meat can improve brain function. It is known that eating mussels can even reduce the effects of radiation on the body.

Can mussel meat harm the body?

Maybe. First of all, you need to be careful with allergies, as well as those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases and gout. If mussels are not farm-raised, but caught in dirty water, they may contain toxins, because the mussel passes through itself up to 80 liters of water per day, filtering it. Water is purified, and harmful impurities remain inside the sink. Farm grown mussels are preferred.

If you are lucky enough to buy fresh mussels, then you need to cook them as quickly as possible – if the clams die, they will no longer be eaten. It is much safer to deal with frozen seafood, although in this case the delicacy loses some taste.

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How to choose & store chilled fish?



How to choose and store chilled fish?

There are more than enough fish and seafood in stores. And it is not immediately evident that there are not so many fresh chilled fish on the shelves – mostly frozen products reach us. We will tell you how to distinguish chilled fish from defrosted, how to choose it and how much you can store so as not to spoil an expensive product.

In large stores, there are usually no more than a dozen types of chilled fish, gutted and not gutted, sometimes without a head, in the form of fillets or steaks. This is because the fishing grounds are thousands of kilometers away from us.

What kind of fish is chilled?

As a rule, in hypermarkets you can find freshwater carp, carp, grass carp, trout, salmon, salmon, and sea fish bred on local farms: sea bream, flounder, cod, sea bass, pollock budget. This is fresh fish that is stored on ice for up to 12 days.

Mostly domestic products from Flipper, Polar, Atlantica, VkusVill, Bay of Plenty, Okeanrybflot, Sakhalin Fish, Flanderre. At unverified points, sellers may sin by selling thawed fish under the guise of chilled fish. An experienced person will distinguish it in appearance: thawed specimens have cloudy eyes, gray-brown gills, no shine and mucus on the carcass. The meat of a product that has been frozen is loose – if you poke a finger into such a “chilled” fish, the hole will not immediately level out.

What to look for when choosing chilled fish?

Before buying, you need to make sure the quality of the chilled fish. Trust your nose and eyes. The quality requirements for fresh chilled fish are as follows:

pleasant smell, slightly pronounced;
dense body with smooth, shiny scales, tightly attached to the skin;
transparent bulging eyes;
reddish maroon gills;
closed mouth;
the meat is hard, tightly connected to the bones, there is little mucus, and it is transparent;
when pressed with a finger, a hole does not form on the body of the fish.
If the carcasses lie on ice, choose those that are directly adjacent to the cold surface – if the fish are placed one on top of the other, then the top ones are already stored at a higher temperature. Pay attention to the refrigerator thermometer screen – the storage temperature of chilled fish is from 0 to -2 ° C. By the way, if the thermometer is turned off, most likely the temperature does not correspond to the conditions for storing chilled fish.

How to keep chilled fish?

How and how much chilled fish is stored in the refrigerator is an important issue. Sanitary doctors say that the shelf life of fresh fish depends on its size – small fish deteriorate faster. How long to store chilled fish in the refrigerator also depends on the season – in the cold season, you can keep the product chilled longer. The shelf life of large chilled fish in the cold season is 12 days, in the warm season – 10. Small fish in winter and autumn should be cooked no later than nine days later, in summer and spring – after seven. But if the fish is frozen to -18 ° C, the shelf life will increase many times – for example, pollock and sea bass carcasses can be stored at this temperature for a whole year

If the fish was stored incorrectly, it can be seriously poisoned. In order not to put your life at risk, it is important to buy fish in large stores equipped with special refrigerators for storing seafood. And carefully look at the goods before buying.

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Tips for choosing a meat grinder for home: types, differences & nuances



Tips for choosing a meat grinder for the home: types, differences and nuances

How to Choose a Meat Grinder

If you cook for your family yourself, and do not eat semi-finished products, then your kitchen has a meat grinder but what to look for choosing a meat grinder for home. It is hard to believe, but the first manual meat grinders appeared in the 19th century. They were very bulky and were used mainly in large sausage industries. Then heavy, uncomfortable meat grinders appeared among ordinary people, but only the strongest family members could use them. Today’s meat grinders are convenient and easy to use – any housewife can handle it. This article is about choosing a meat grinder for home.

So, if you decide to buy a meat grinder, you have to make a choice: will it be simple mechanical or electric.

The owner of a mechanical meat grinder will have to work – minced meat can be obtained by turning the handle of this unit. Such devices are cheap, operate silently and last a long time. Only knives or fasteners can fail, but they are easy to replace. However, mechanical meat grinders also have disadvantages. And the main one is obviously low productivity, limited by human capabilities. It will not work to make meatballs in haste with it. Yes, and forces to this device will have to be applied.

As a rule, this option is preferred by conservatives and older people who do not want to change a normally functioning device. A mechanical meat grinder is a good option for giving.

Those who have tried to make minced meat with an electric meat grinder definitely choose it. Such a unit copes with meat in just a few minutes, since the knives are driven by an electric motor and no physical effort on the part of a person is required. High speed of work is the main advantage of an electric meat grinder. The disadvantages include the cost of the device and the noise during operation.

If mechanical meat grinders are all that is called, on one person, then among electric meat grinders you can find not only classic models that are only capable of preparing minced meat, but also universal units with various nozzles. Such a device can be used for stuffing sausages, shredding, rubbing vegetables, squeezing juice.

How to choose the right electric meat grinder?

First of all, you should clearly define the purpose of the purchase: do you plan to use a meat grinder only for mincing meat or do you need additional options? An important factor will be the amount that you are willing to spend on this device.
To make it easier to navigate in a wide range of household appliances, here are the main criteria for choosing a meat grinder:

performance . This parameter determines how much meat the device processes per minute. The performance of the unit is affected by engine power, the number and sharpness of knives, the speed of rotation of the auger and the diameter of the holes of the nozzle. Modern electric meat grinders are able to grind from 0.5 to 4.5 kg of meat in 60 seconds. A device with high performance is relevant for large families and for those who regularly make a lot of workpieces. In other cases, performance is not so important.

Functionality . The more nozzles attached to the device, the wider its functionality. A universal meat grinder can come with attachments for making sausages, kebbe, cookies, noodles, as well as a juicer, graters, etc. You should not overpay for extra features of the device: if the house already has a juicer or vegetable cutter, then some of the attachments can be just not needed.

Power . It is worth separating the rated and maximum power. At maximum, the meat grinder works for no more than a minute if a bone or vein blocks the shaft. And at nominal – 10-15 minutes before overheating. Therefore, when choosing, you need to focus on the rated power. For tender meat without tendons, a power of 200-450 W is enough – such meat grinders are considered low-power. Devices with a power of 450-800 W will cope with not the softest pieces – this is the most popular category of meat grinders. Large amounts of streaked meat may require an 800-1800W meat grinder.

Energy consumption . This indicator directly depends on the power of the meat grinder: the higher it is, the more electricity the device will consume. Energy consumption also increases when processing tough meat.
Noise level . Electric meat grinders work loudly – on average at the level of 70-80 dB. If this is an essential selection criterion for you, you should separately take an interest in this parameter with a sales assistant.

Material and weight . The body of the meat grinder can be made of metal or plastic, the main elements subject to wear are made of metal. Metal is very durable and beautiful, but a fully metal meat grinder is expensive and weighs a lot. Devices made of plastic are cheaper and lighter, while they are quite strong, especially since the case does not have a special load.

Additional functions of the electric meat grinder

One of the most important additional features of an electric meat grinder is overload protection . Without a fuse, during heavy use, the engine of the device can burn out, so almost all modern models are equipped with it.

Reverse mode also helps protect the device from breakdowns . If necessary, it allows you to scroll the contents in the opposite direction and manually remove the pieces stuck in the meat grinder. The reverse mode is activated by pressing a special button on the device case.

Some meat grinders have a speed switch function. If available, you can choose a convenient mode for each case. For example, it is better to chop a bird at a low speed so that the minced meat does not spread, and pork or lamb at a high speed in order to quickly cope with the veins and cartilage.

A modern electric meat grinder can save the hostess time and do homework as quickly as possible. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of the device. User reviews and filters on online platforms and online stores help you make an informed decision before buying.

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Tempting Delights: 9 Unique Cake Creations to Elevate your Experience



Tempting Delights: 9 Unique Cake Creations To Elevate Your Experience

With the clock ticking, I was getting more determined to make my birthday unforgettable. The air was filled with excitement as I had everything planned out for my special day. However, a mouthwatering birthday cake that would delight everyone at the party was missing. Due to my busy schedule and limited time on my hands, I embarked on a quest to find the best option for birthday cake delivery in Delhi.


Obviously, I wanted something unique and flavorful that would leave my guests in wonder. As I scrolled through the multiple websites, browsing through an extensive assortment of cake designs, the thought of trying a twisted cake design struck my mind. Then, my hunt was shifted to find a unique birthday cake design.


Thanks to Delhi’s culinary options, I came across various artistic creations. To my awe, there was a range of cake designs that I never thought existed. If you are anything like me, here are the 9 types of cake creations to elevate all of your celebrations. 

Upside Down Ice Cream Cone Cake

The upside-down ice cream cone cake is the most attractive cake creation in my opinion. The masterpiece has the power to catch your sight and live in your head rent-free. It brings the joy of an ice cream cone to a whole new level. This cake has a whimsical twist in the baking process as well. The ice cream cake becomes the cake’s top with soft and cake-like moisture. Topped with colorful frosting and sprinkles, this is a playful treat that is sure to put a smile on everyone’s face.

Sheet Cake

As the name suggests, the cake is thin like a sheet. Basically, it is a single-layer cake baked in a rectangular or square pan. The moist delight can range from classic flavors like vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate to more adventurous options like carrot, blueberry, or red velvet. It is often frosted with a smooth or textured cream. Also, it can be decorated with various designs using sprinklers, frosting, or other edible toppers. Sheet cakes are usually preferred for their simplicity and versatility in creative designs

Bundt Cake

Bundt cakes have a distinctive ring-shaped design. It is a delightful fusion of simplicity and elegance. The delights are baked in specially designed Bundt pans and can be prepared in various flavors like lemon, chocolate, cinnamon, or more. These cakes can make every occasion a little sweeter with their moist and tender texture. On the top, the ake is often embellished with a light dusting of powdered sugar or a drizzle of glaze.

Bomb Cake

A bomb cake is an explosive dessert that adds an element of excitement and humor to the party. The cake is named after the shape of its shell which looks like a bomb. It is made with chocolate shards, edible sparkles, or colorful decorations. Just when you light the bomb thread, it explodes with a delicious surprise inside. In fact, you can ask for other treats and candies besides a cake. It is certainly a show-stopper at any celebration, making it memorable forever.

Mirror Glaze Cake

The mirror glaze cake is a mesmerizing dessert with a highly reflective surface. It has the power to captivate both the eyes and the taste buds. The top layer of the cake features a glossy surface and a reflective gaze, giving it an appearance similar to a polished mirror. If you’re wondering what is the glaze made of, it is gelatine, water, cream, sugar, and cocoa powder. This creates a shiny surface that often comes with vibrant colors or marbles.

Drip Cake

Drippers or drip cake is a trendy and visually striking desert. The cake gets its name from the dripping overflowing design where ganache or icing is poured over the top edges of the cake, allowing it to drip down the sides. This gives an artsy effect that attracts all eyes toward itself. At the top, it is adorned with sprinkles, cookies, candies, fresh fruits, or macarons, while drips are often made of melted chocolate or chocolate ganache. The playful design is sure to make your heart younger

Naked Cake

A cake design where the sides are left mostly unfrosted, revealing the layers and fillings inside. It’s A naked cake is called so because it has no frosting on the sides. The layers and the inside fillings are visible as it celebrates simplicity and natural beauty. The sides of the rustic dessert are kept bare while the top is often garnished with fresh berries, and flowers, and dusted with powdered sugar. It is the best choice for those looking for a wholesome and less overly sweet dessert. 

Pinata Cake

Acting as a playful dessert, pinata cake is a delightful surprise that brings an element of excitement to the party. The cake has an innovative design with a hollow center. Upon breaking the outer shell, the inside is filled with cake, colorful candies, chocolates, or sprinkles. These hidden treats spill out like a pinata, adding a fun surprise for everyone at the celebration. Also, the shell is decorated to catch all eyes according to the occasion to uplift the festivity. Having a pinata cake in your celebration will undoubtedly make your celebration memorable forever.

Geode Cake

A Geode Cake is an eye-catching dessert inspired by the beauty of gemstones and crystals. The design will give a 3D effect to your cake by involving a rock candy or sugar crystal formation on the surface. It has a sparkling appearance. The cavity on the cake is filled with edible glitter or colorful icing. Making the art come true surely requires skillful craftsmanship to achieve its detailed and realistic look. If you want to leave your guest in awe and looking for the cake design again, geode ake stands out because of its unique and celestial beauty.

Everyone at the party was amazed to see such a delightful birthday cake treat. Of course, the room was filled with cheers when the first slice was served. This is how I know that my sweet quest led me to the perfect destination. From this day on, I have taken a pledge to try all of these cakes on different occasions.

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