Describe different types of Spherical Mirrors

Types of Spherical Mirrors


There are two types of spherical mirror:


1- Concave Mirror (Converging Mirror)

2- Convex Mirror (Diverging Mirror)


  1. Concave Mirror:


The spherical mirror in which inner side of the surface is polished for reflection is called a concave mirror.




The bulging side is polished.


Reflection occurs from its hollow side.


They converge the parallel rays at a point


They can form real and imaginary, both types of images.


  1. Convex Mirror:


The spherical mirror in which inner side of the surface is polished for reflection is called concave mirror.




The bulging side is polished.


Reflection occurs from ifs hollow side.


They converge the parallel rays at a point.


They can form real and imaginary, both Type of images.


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