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Difference between Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration

Difference between Aerobic & Anaerobic Respiration


Aerobic Respiration:


  1. i) Oxygen is necessary.


  1. ii) 1 gm glucose release 36 ATP energy.


iii) Chemical products are inorganic compounds.


  1. iv) Enzymes are found in mitochondria.


  1. v) It provides the source of energy for organism.



Anaerobic Respiration:


  1. i) Oxygen is not necessary.


  1. ii) 1 gm glucose release 2 ATP energy.


iii) Chemical products are organic compounds.


  1. iv) Enzymes are found in cytoplasm.


v) It provides energy during fermentation process and when there is deficiency of oxygen.


The third stage in the evolution of the classical school (first half of the 19th century) includes the development of the followers of A. Smith, who were engaged in rethinking and enriching his ideas, researching various problems of the functioning of the market economy. Among them: the French J. Say, F. Bastiat, S. Sismondi, the British D. Ricardo, T. Malthus, N. Senior, the American G. Carey, and others.

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