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Doraha Novel by Umera Ahmed PDF Free Download

Doraha Novel by Umera Ahmed PDF

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Doraha Novel by Umera Ahmed PDF

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What does reading at night give a child? One of the most recurring motifs in the illustrations for the books of my childhood: a child lying in bed and a grandmother or mother sitting on her lap with an open book Doraha Novel by Umera Ahmed PDF. It reflected the realities of not my generation – once upon a time they read fairy tales or just interesting books to children at night. Now, instead of reading at night, children are shown a cartoon at best. But this reading by the bedside is not just a primitive analogue of a cartoon, but something much more and more important for a baby! Many mothers trying to teach a child to read complain that he has no interest in it. Parents of first-graders sometimes say the same thing. It’s not a lack of interest in learning as such, but a lack of interest in the reading process Doraha Novel by Umera Ahmed PDF. In other words, children often lack motivation. Why is it so? Because the child is not used to deriving pleasure from reading books Doraha Novel by Umera Ahmed PDF. Of course, I’m not talking about reading with pleasure myself before he learns the letters, but about the fact that, in principle, the book is not among his main entertainments. This is always or almost always due to the fact that parents themselves do not like to read a book to him, doing it without pleasure, having hardly found ten minutes during the day, or simply replacing the book with cartoons, teaching or not. Sometimes this is not connected with the parents, but with the restlessness of the child. In some cases, this problem can be solved perfectly by choosing the right timing for reading. You already guessed that this time is in the evening, before bedtime. When the baby, already pacified, tired, lies in bed, and you, already freed from daily worries (which are enough on weekends), sit down next to you, choose a children’s book Doraha Novel by Umera Ahmed PDF together , open it and devote the next twenty to thirty minutes to reading and – friend friend. This is the second, very important benefit of reading . The peculiarity of our time is such that relatives, close people spend little time with each other, communicate little and almost always do it in passing or on a holiday.

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